Full-game Leaderboard Change
6 years ago


This weekend and me and steven are going to do some changes to the full-game leaderboard.

RE2 currently has 128 leaderboards in total were 30-40 of them are completly empty because of Hard Mode only existing on 2 versions. Platforms will be setup as Main Categoty tabs and Scenarios will have its own Subcategory. Like this: https://i.gyazo.com/4d51a82afe079fa69e5d3939a9a61c4c.png

The PSN Category is back but it will include an extra subcategory to seperate PS3 and PSP: https://i.gyazo.com/3ebd3213ecc262bdef59e2064bf83285.png

PS Emu and GC Emu will be under Miscellaneous tab.

Note that any runs that are submitted this weekend will take longer to approve and they might even be rejected. In that case just wait until the board is finished and submit the run again.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
Tanky, Roo, och mastermiller89 gillar detta

Ranks will be the same. Except for PSP and PS Emu which will get a better rank because they get seperated.

There are more things that might happen to the board that the mods are still discussing.

United Kingdom

The IL board is fine already, pretty much.

Texas, USA

I sometimes forget there even IS an IL section for RE2 lol.

P.S. Wulfz, the cake in your profile pic looks a-fuckin-mazing. I totally envy you for even so much as sitting in front of it hahaha. Tell me you destroyed it all and asked for a second one lol

Texas, USA

K, so I have a question, in the PS leaderboard there's seperate tabs for x.xx and 1.11, what's that all about? Is that the version of PS Driver used? I think its kinda silly to seperate all 1.11 versions, it makes them seem less important.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago

From what ive heard 1.11 was never released in japan and japan doesnt do region mods. So first they wanted a subcategory across the board to seperate Region Locked and Region Free. Since 1.11 was the thing that started all this the RE2 mods and the japanese has agreed that seperating 1.11 was the best option. Also there has only been 3 people in the RE2 speedrunning history who has ever owned a 1.11 and it is pretty much impossible to find one to buy.

The PS category will also have a new rule. For people who achive a Top 3 time needs to provide proof of the Driver they used. Best way to show this is to softreset the PS2 after a finished run and go in to PS Settings to show the driver.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
ConkyJoe89 tycker om detta
Texas, USA

I only got into speedrunning a few months ago, and all I had to do was ebay search for an SCPH 70012 and I immediately found one for $35 lol. These feature a 1.11. It sounds like nobody bothered to look as opposed to they're hard to find lol.

But yea I guess if the Japanese players feel they're handicapped then its fine, although we have to go out of our way to find import copies and systems too sooo....lol.


We import the japanese copy because its the fastest version. I dont believe for a second that the vast majority actually import the console from japan (which iv'e done for all my consoles), most people just have their current console chipped with a region free mod which the japanese are against cause its no longer consider original hardware which I agree with.

I really wanna see that Ebay link cause i've looked everywhere and I couldn't find 1 seller that actually bothered to type down the Driver version for a unmodded console.

Even if people could get hold of the 1.11 how would this solve anything? Japanese would be stuck with the US version of the game while the rest play the Japanese version on their modded 1.11s. Here is were the seperation between Region Locked and Region Free comes in across all platforms not just for the PS category which we managed to dodge.

ConkyJoe89 tycker om detta
Texas, USA

Is there a way I can look up my ebay buys and post the link? I have no problem showing you, but I can say the original ad didn't tell me it had a 1.11 in it, only that it was a SCPH-70012, which I assumed had a 1.11 bc in Carci's 1:08:xx WR it says he used a 70012. Is it possible some 70012's dont come with 1.11 and I just lucked out?

And I understand the logic behind the seperation on the leaderboards, hope i didn't come across as argumentative. I just didn't know the Japanese players don't have a model that comes with 1.11. So I guess at the very least I can submit a Leon A run on my 1.11 and it'll make second place on that leaderboard lol

Texas, USA

Dara, another quick question on this subject, would I still submit a Top 3 run into the 1.11 category even if I'm running the US version on an UNmodded PS2? It's still original hardware, and I'm running a slower version of the game, so wouldn't it be feasible to then allow my runs on the "everybody else" leaderboard? I would think the benefits of me having a 1.11 would be balanced by the fact I'm running the slower version of the game.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago

If you run 1.11 with the US version then it is fully possible to get an unbeatable WR for the x.xx category when the competiton runs on anything but 1.11 with JP disc. unmodded or modded if its 1.11 it goes to the 1.11 category. Dont forget to show the driver and scph after the run since you wont get a lower placement then 3.

ConkyJoe89 tycker om detta
Texas, USA

I'm so sad I went out of my way to hunt down a 1.11 only to just have my times end up on an "alt" leaderboard :( lol

But okay, will remember to show the PS Driver screen. Thanks for the input.

United Kingdom

From what we know at least, 1.11 is pretty common in the US and maybe Europe. It's just in Japan it doesn't exist.

ConkyJoe89 tycker om detta