Leon A - New strat ? Save time ?
6 years ago
Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France

/!\ This run is really bad /!\

Today I finished a run with a new strat, without picking up the magnum bullets before the fight of the train.

What I know about this strat:

  • 6 QS in a row is required on the first boss.
  • 7 QS in a row with magnum is required for the second boss in Phase 1 (need a good position) and 5 shots with Handgun for finish him.
  • U can't use shot for kill the first zombie in MO DISK and before the last boss (but u can dodge with a good rng)
  • U need to reload ur magnum before the last figth.
  • 4 QS in a row with magnum is required for the last boss in Phase 1
  • In phase 2, u need to first shot im in the middle of his jump (not too early otherwise he may not jump, not too late otherwise he will not touch) and 3 QS (reload while he jump) and 3 QS (need a good position)
  • U CAN'T MISS 1 SHOT (and probably QS) ON THE WHOLE RUN
  • I do not know how long does it take, maybe about 5 seconds

If anyone has an idea to optimize that, I'm interested! Have a good day, and sorry for my english.


keny tycker om detta
Texas, USA

I see where you're going with saving the seconds, but I just think this is one of those risk/reward type things...alotta players would opt not to do this, bc of all the QS's (which, imo at least, are noticeably harder on console), and bc alotta people don't even do the MO Disk dodge (personally, I'll just shoot all 3 of the front Zombies hahaha ???) PLUS shoot the 2 Licker hallway naked zombies before using MO Disk.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
LoanSharkJoe tycker om detta