Lemons' Research Notes and De-RNG Database
Lemons' Research Notes and De-RNG Database
Uppdaterad 5 years ago av TDLemons

In an attempt to learn about the more intricate parts of Raft, I've been doing some research in some of the less known parts of the game. I'll be going back to this guide semi-frequently, when I have more to add or edit when new tech develops. Anyway, I hope you enjoy my work! PS I'll be posting on the forums a request thread

Q: Where/How do the Antenna and Receiver blueprints show up?

Answer: The where is pretty simple, they both spawn from Barrels floating in the ocean, the how is (eventually) very simple. TL;DR 15 Minutes/Shark Attack 2/Moon overhead Since I knew they spawned from barrels, the test was simple: play a ton of rounds in the beginning until they show up, and record the results. I also figured I'd collect some barrel data while I'm at it. All the runs had the same objective: pick up every barrel, record the results, and repeat until the Antenna and Receiver have been acquired.


Run 1: This run was pretty straightforward. I stayed on the boat and only hooked barrels until I(hopefully) got the blueprint. Eventually at night time I got the Antenna, and Receiver in the next barrel.

Run 2: Did the same test as Run 1 so I could compare which things were similar and what was different. The end results were concerningly similar. Materials gained were about the same, so I wasn't sure if you needed a certain amount of something before you could discover the blueprints. While there were less barrels at different times, the barrels near the end were in a somewhat similar pattern and were picked up around the same time as before, so I kept going.

Run 3: Luckily things were different this time around, with fewer barrels and no sign of a second island until a fair bit after the blueprints. One thing that I did notice was that I previously obtained the Antenna first, with the Receiver usually being next to or within eyesight of the first. This time there was only 1 barrel, and it took some time for the next barrels to show up. The next bunch had the recipes, so I marked it as good enough. The most important part was that despite all the different events, it happened at the same time as the previous runs.

Run 4: I had a hypothesis that there was a time delay before they showed up, so this time I didn't pick any barrels up until night came. I thought I was wrong at first but after my boat was attacked the second time, the next two barrels I picked up had blueprints. I had established a new theory that around this vague time of a second shark attack, the blueprints would then be available.

Intermission: I figured it would be important to get actual times for when events happen, so I timed a lot of things.

  • The first island shows up 4.5 - 5 minutes into the game, give or take a few due to island size.
  • The first shark attack (on easy) happens at 7:15, and the second at 14:30
  • "midnight" happens 15 minutes into the game
  • Barrel contents: 4-6 pieces, almost always 1+ planks. Very random spread though.

Run 5,6,7: Waited until 15 minutes with a timer, and the first two barrels I picked up were Antenna and Receiver. It seems pretty cut and dry that they will not spawn before 15 minutes so I re-established that as my baseline. Run 6 I grabbed a barrel at 7 minutes and another at 9(accidentally) and held on to them until 15, and when I pulled them in I got the Antenna blueprint. This means Barrels don't have set inventory and are randomized on pickup. Run 7 was just to verify that distance didn't play into it, so I anchored at the first island and waited till 15, and first pull was an Antenna.

In conclusion, the Antenna and Receiver blueprint are obtainable from Barrels after 15 minutes of in-game time, and nothing else.

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