The 5 step guide on how to perfect a fighter
The 5 step guide on how to perfect a fighter
Uppdaterad 3 years ago av Jump

Hello there, professional PODF speedrunner there, I have been playing the game for an entire year now, and nows the time I finally think of making a guide on how to perfect a fighter, so lets just get on with it

  1. Choose which fighting to perfect. First of all, we obviously need to first start with a certain fighters, I prefer the ones that have not been perfected to the point where the theorhetical perfect time has been achieved in said fighters, but also the ones that dont involve too much RNG, to where you would be rolling the dice alot. Fighters like Mike Tyson, King K. Rool, or Mr Sandman are good examples of fighters I would try to perfect

  2. Learn your fighter. The most efficient way to perfect a fighter is to learn it, two of those being

A. Learn the most effective way to get starpunches

B. Learn how you would react to certain moves

  1. Always be quick As Sun Tzu once said "Quickness is the essence of the war." So if you want to perfect a fighter, the best way to do so is so react as fast as you can, if you are fast you dont need to worry about it alot, if you are slow, then you could try to perfect another fighter which has slow attacks, like Piston Hondo

  2. Risk for reward If your fighter is pretty recent and has not been perfected yet, then you shouldnt worry about it too much. But if your fighter has been to the point where everyone is trying to get the best time on, then you must never fear a single risk, even if it saves 1 second

  3. Try and be as calm as you could possibly be Lets say you have gotten a 1/10000 chance while playing, on WR pace by alot, and you only need to knock out the fighter once. If so, do NOT panic, you may accidentally overpressure yourself and make a single mistake which would lead to a dead WR

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