7 years ago
Michigan, USA

Ok So I noticed Gymnast86 has a 1:07 PB for Entering Goron Mines (I'm not saying he is cheating) but my fastest Time is a 1:12...... Like I don't know what I'm doing wrong....... I'm doing almost everything he is but I'll not going fast. Any tips?


Do you have a video of you doing a run or anything? It's nearly impossible to pinpoint your mistakes or offer advice on how to improve if we can't see what you're doing.

United States

Salty much? Dayum. Anyway, as Timmiluvs said, can't tell you what you're doing wrong unless we have a video or more than just one time comparison.

Also, as a general point, Gymnast is a very good runner. He knows optimizations of movement much better than most people, and in TP optimizing your movement is a huge thing that you don't truly realize how much time you lose to. Tricks are one thing, but movement can make or break the run.

Timmiluvs likes this
Michigan, USA

That's my run from tonight


Gymnast isn't cheating, he's just good.

I watched two minutes of your FT. -Twitchy movement -Bad rolls -Drawing sword when there's no need to -Missing rolls -Not exactly following the same dungeon route

Michigan, USA

8 didn't say Gym was cheating I know for a fact he isnt. Also thanks for the help dude. I appreciate it very much. Also yeah this run is a very bad example to show

Michigan, USA

Oops sorry I don't know why that posted like 20 times

Michigan, USA

I literally have no idea how that happened lol sorry people

United States

ya know you can delete them right?

Anyway... yeah, that's about what I expected the issue was. Bad optimization of movement mostly. As I originally said, tricks can go good or bad but movement will make or break a run.

Edited by the author 7 years ago
AquaBlake likes this

8 didn't say Gym was cheating I know for a fact he isnt. Also thanks for the help dude. I appreciate it very much. Also yeah this run is a very bad example to show

ZachLink99 and Tyloxs like this
United Kingdom

This might be the best thread I’ve ever read

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