Library skip
8 years ago
Norfolk, England

Not sure if this has been found before. I'm sure I read something about it somewhere but I was just messing around and this happened.

Redigerad av författaren 8 years ago
Corkysek, Idiom och 2 andra gillar detta
Czech Republic

Haha, nice!


How did you do it? I tried on both 1409 and 5021 and even with cheats I couldn't get it to work?

Norfolk, England

Honestly, no idea. I was just jumping at the corner, spent about 20 minutes trying to replicate but have had no luck yet. Will try and find a proper set-up.


What version were you on?

therealbmanbeast och Pr1c3le5s gillar detta
Norfolk, England


therealbmanbeast tycker om detta

Played around a little, I can reproduce.

Best way I found so far is to look towards the dark corner of the pillar starting from the center section of the table and as you jump into it, strafe right so you can dig deep. Don't look around, don't crouch jump. I can make a video if you guys still can't reproduce.

Czech Republic

We can reproduce it just fine, but it's not very reliable. If you have a reliable strat, please go ahead and post it ;)

Btw, you can find us on discord.

Redigerad av författaren 8 years ago
QuarantineTarantula tycker om detta
Texas, USA

I don't really know how much time this would save, though. If you just crouchjump onto those short balcony shelves jump into lobby/entry-stairs, it only takes a few seconds.

If someone can get this more reliable then it'll be a half decent skip.

QuarantineTarantula tycker om detta
Michigan, USA

I've done it a couple times using Kyusuke's method and it isn't very reliable like Ewil says but I believe it, if it can be reproduced correctly and reliably, it can cut the total time of the run by at least a minute because crawling in that vent and climbing that ladder takes a while and it would really be beneficial if it could actually be incorporated into a run as a legitimate strat.

Czech Republic

What do you mean by crawling in that vent? LIbrary skip only skips going out of the library when it's on fire and it saves just a few seconds.

Michigan, USA

I guess I don't know that other strat then but I'm talking about how you jump down and crawl through the vent then walk through the dark hallway and jump over the dogs then climb the ladder. I think glitching through the wall rather than doing all that would save more time than just a couple seconds but I may be wrong.

Michigan, USA

Maybe you mean the vent skip is a couple seconds faster than the normal way. I'm sorry, I haven't done the normal way in a long time. I'm talking about how doing the glitch Koalarific found would be much faster than the skip we use now.

Czech Republic

What vent skip? Sorry, but I have no idea what you are talking about :(

SpacePilot3012 tycker om detta
Michigan, USA

I'm talking about using the hidden vent behind the staircase to escape the library. I haven't watched other speedruns so I don't know if that's the strat everyone uses. Correct me if I'm wrong. How do you get out of the library?

Edit: I did it in my video at 9:55

Edit 2: ok I'm stupid I'm sorry lmao I completely forgot that the entrance to the library is open. I thought it was blocked off. I completely forgot so I guess the "skip" I did just lost me time. I told you I haven't watched anyone else do this lmao. Sorry for confusing you. I just remembered it was a secret location so I assumed it was faster.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
Czech Republic

That is way slower than simply going to the exit :D

Michigan, USA

haha yeah I realize that now. I completely forgot that you could just walk out the front door. Thanks I'll get better at running this game eventually. I still think that doing what Koalarific found is slightly faster, though bu, since it's not reliable and easy, it shouldn't be implemented in runs just yet.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago

I found out that it can be pretty reliable if you do 180 and don't crouch when landing also try looking up rather than down. Hope it works for you guys ;p

SpacePilot3012 tycker om detta
United States

I guess I only shared my method with the Discord, my bad you guys:

I can re-record this if anyone needs me to show what keys I'm pressing. I can do this method every time but others have voiced difficulties in executing it even once so just let me know if that is the case.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
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