Glitchless in 22m 44s 530ms by
Tillhandahållen av
# | Namn | Delsträcka | Avslutad vid |
1 | 00/01 Guld | 1m 16s 425ms | 1m 16s 425ms |
2 | 02/03 | 1m 14s 753ms | 2m 31s 178ms |
3 | 04/05 | 1m 13s 751ms | 3m 44s 929ms |
4 | 06/07 | 0m 59s 568ms | 4m 44s 498ms |
5 | 08 | 0m 32s 899ms | 5m 17s 397ms |
6 | 09 Guld | 0m 31s 509ms | 5m 48s 906ms |
7 | 10 | 0m 39s 622ms | 6m 28s 528ms |
8 | 11/12 Guld | 1m 14s 743ms | 7m 43s 271ms |
9 | 13 | 0m 47s 106ms | 8m 30s 378ms |
10 | 14 | 0m 35s 819ms | 9m 06s 198ms |
11 | 15 Guld | 0m 57s 940ms | 10m 04s 138ms |
12 | 16 | 1m 16s 476ms | 11m 20s 615ms |
13 | 17 | 1m 45s 193ms | 13m 05s 809ms |
14 | 18 Guld | 1m 40s 598ms | 14m 46s 407ms |
15 | 19 | 1m 37s 531ms | 16m 23s 939ms |
16 | e00 | 0m 56s 379ms | 17m 20s 318ms |
17 | e01 Guld | 1m 32s 753ms | 18m 53s 072ms |
18 | e02 | 3m 45s 201ms | 22m 38s 273ms |
Console Retimes
Starting now and currently being grandfathered, all console runs will be manually retimed with load times removed. This process will be redone by the verification team anyway, so don't worry about doing it yourself when submitting. Massive shoutouts to Tactix1 for doing this basically single handedl
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