This has probably been asked and answered in the past before, but is it possible to change the colors of the ihud keys? If so, how do i do that?
second question Can you also somehow move it from the up-right corner to bottom-right somehow?
To answer your first question, the command is "ihud_button_color <R> <G> <B> <OPACITY>" Don't include the brackets, just the numbers. I would keep the opacity at 255. To answer your second question, the command is "ihud_setpos bottom right". Also, please consider joining the Portal discord to ask any further questions, the src forums aren't really used.
Starting now and currently being grandfathered, all console runs will be manually retimed with load times removed. This process will be redone by the verification team anyway, so don't worry about doing it yourself when submitting. Massive shoutouts to Tactix1 for doing this basically single handedl