Video i riskzonen
Project64 version:
My livesplit didn't want to activate if I pressed start ingame and start the split, so I had a small delay on the start. Starting sound was within .5 seconds, so it wouldn't change the time anyway. Giovannis cursor disappears around 6:10:7
Since I didn't time the Lvl splits, I went through the video to get the ingame times: Gary: 20 Brock: 15 Misty: 12 Surge: 12 Erica: 10 Koga: 10 Sabrina: 13 Blaine: 12 Tracey: 12 Rocket: 13 Giovanni: 13

The League of Puzzle Speedrunners' final open registration 1P Stadium major tournament begins in a couple of weeks. Starting in November, future major tournaments will be seeded based on performance in smaller monthly tournaments.
If you would like to be a part of this chapter in PPL speedrunning