Problem with submitting a run (more like a question for)
5 years ago
Lorraine, France

Hello guys ! I have (another) question and it's about submitting a run.

I get a new PB and I recorded it but I just find it may has a problem. Explanation: I did my run and I watched a VOD in the same time. Normaly, my settings are made to record the ingame sound but not the sound of the VOD. It was the case for my first run but not the new one. The problem is: we can hear me, the ingame sound AND the VOD sound. The sound from the game and my micro is louder than the VOD's sound.

My question is: Can I submit it ? (I can't delete the sound from VOD without the ingame sound because it's in the same track from my record)

Redigerad av författaren 5 years ago
ScaryOne tycker om detta
Pays de la Loire, France

try to ask on the discord you gonna to have a response more fast for me i can't response i d'ont know


In general, video is the more important thing. As long as in-game audio is present, there aren't going to be any questions about legitimacy (having no audio can sometimes be considered "suspicious", since a lot of spliced runs get detected by analyzing audio from the run).

I posted this in the Rules thread and it applies here: "In general, Category Extensions leaderboards are less serious than the official PSR leaderboard categories. Failing to comply with rules once won't be a huge deal, and I'd like to avoid rejecting runs due to innocuous mistakes if there is a simple enough fix. In the end, these still are leaderboards, so we'll have to have to enforce some minimum standards."

I think Red Glitchless is the only category that has an explicit rule about audio, so it's not something that's going to get a run rejected here, barring some extremely exceptional circumstances.

Redigerad av författaren 5 years ago
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