Any% - Crafted - 28th August 2017
Any% - Crafted - 28th August 2017
Uppdaterad 7 years ago av crafted

RNG is different on every DS, so you need to work out your own RNG manipulations for Tepig and Drilbur.

TEPIG: -31/29+/29+/29+/29+/25 -Naughty nature -Spring/Autumn -No weather on Route 20 and Virbank

DRILBUR: -31/31/31/0+/31/31 -Adamant nature -Any season -Preferably female -Preferably 4+ Sp.Atk IV with Sand Force or 31 IV with Sand Rush

set options. yes,yes/no,yes,yes to mum Tackle all Oshawott Talk to girl for potion Tackle x2/3 | Tackle+Tackle/Ember Catch Pidove (tackle to weaken) TW+Tackle x2 Oshawott (Tackle+Ember [Ember],Tackle x2/3) Get X Attack below spinner Catch Psyduck (tackle to weaken) No to grunt Go back to Alder, get X Speed Ember x2 | Tackle x3

Into gym. Tackle+Tackle(Ember),Tackle+Ember+Ember Patrat: 6(7) or 7-9(10), Lillipup: 7(9) or 9-10(12) Ember x2/3,Tackle+Tackle(Ember) Lillipup: 6(7) or 9-10(12), Patrat: 6(7) or 7-9(10) Heal to full if below 33HP and register berry pocket Cheren: TW+Tackle x2,Tackle x2+[Ember] Patrat does 7-9(10) or 10-12(13) or 15-16(18) Lillipup does 10-12(13) or 15-16(18) or 19-22(24)

Deposit both slaves. Buy 5 Supers (D3), 5 Repels (R1) Go back, oran if below 7HP and repel. No to Bianca, re-use repel, talk to Hiker at centre, Ember x2/3, then go centre after stairs Quick attack does 6 Equip pecha and oran if below 6HP before spinner. (Tackle+Tackle[Ember]) Go to gym. Ember(Tackle),Ember all. Koffing does 7-8(9), potion if he will kill Teach Flame Charge(Odor Sleuth) Heal to 8-16HP ideally (if on 7 go to 27). Equip pecha if used last one. TW+FC x2 or [FC x2],Ember all. Koffing does 6-7(8) On Koffing: oran if 5-7, potion if below 5 Heal to 45+ (full). Equip pecha if used last one. Roxie: TW x2,FC x2,FC x2. Whirlipede does 15-16(18) Heal on Koffing before kill if below 17. If 24 or less HP and/or no Pecha for Whirl, can TW+FC to kill.

Off to movies. Ice punch the riolu. Go to dock. FC. Go back, Repel at grass. (Tackle[Ember]) Fight grunt. FC. re-use repel. Go back to city dock and take the boat. Get bicycle and register it. Go first building on left. Get exp share, talk to clown, talk to guy at the front of the gym, then to go to sewers. Repel inside. FC x2 Scraggy (Go for Sandile if in Blaze in case dewott misses). Doesn't matter if die here. Then drilbur manip. Give Exp share to Drilbur and Dig out.

Go to last house, talk to 2nd clown. Then to gym. Ember,Ember | FC,FC | FC,FC,Ember x2 Switch Drilbur to front. Heal to 45HP. Burgh: Switch to Pignite: FC,FC Switch to Drilbur: MC x2,Switch to Pignite: FC. Note: If Pignite has 55+ HP on Dwebble, use Ember+FC before switching, then only one MC to kill (If burn with Ember, switch turn 1) Swadloon 8-9, Dwebble 13-15(16)/12-14(15), Levanny 18-22 Teach Hone Claws(Fury Swipes)

Heal to 27HP. Go to building on the left, 2F, talk to clown. Go up. Colress, Bianca, talk to clown for rare candy. MS x2,Dig Colress. Magnemite does 13-15(16) with Magnet Bomb (never seems to sonicboom) Join avenue stuff. Right in Nimbasa to old gym. Dig | Dig Blitzle does 11-13(14) (speed tie) Talk to girl for Parlyz heal, go to centre. Heal through PC and withdraw slaves (Dril to box, dril swap with pignite,pidove in 2,psyduck in 3). Get shards. Buy 4 Parlyz Heal (R1), 10 Hyper Potions (U3), max Revives (D1). Go to gym. Dig all trainers. Teach Slash(Mud-Slap) Heal to 29HP Elisa: HC Slash x2,(heal below 29) Dig,Dig Emolga does 15-17(18), Flaaffy does 23-27(28), Zebstrika does 24-28(29)

Candy to 29, teach Rock Slide(Metal Claw), use protein and heal to 22HP. Go fight grunts. Dig | Dig+Slash Confusion hit self does 17-20(21) Yes to Bianca. Immedietly exit grotto. Charles: RS+X Att+Die, Slash Sigilyph, Dig Tirtouga (RS Turn 2 on Sigi if missed him turn 1) Sigilyph does 33-39, Tirtuga 32-36(38) Heal to full, revive slaves. Rood: RS+RS+Dig/Slash, RS(Slash) Herdier does 37-43(45) or 57-66(67) or 75-87(88) Swoobat does 21-24(25) Say no, exit, left of pokecentre, left guy, teach Iron Head(Slash) (R2U). Go to gym. Puzzle: fight, RDR, fight, UUURDRU IH all trainers. Clay: Switch to Psyduck IH,IH (switch if speed drop) IH,Dig Sandslash does 60-68(72) (death is fine)

Bike south to PWT. Enter on the left. Dig(IH),IH,IH | (HC)+IH(IH),IH,IH | Dig(IH),IH,Dig Buy 1 Carbos(D4) on right. South on to boat. IH(IH) | IH | RS,IH Krok(IH) | IH Grimer,IH Raticate,IH (go for Watchog if Dewott gets koffing) Bike back to city to mart. Buy 1 Escape Rope (R2U1), 11 Full Heals (U1), max Max Repels (R1U1) Bike west, max repel. (IH) | (IH,IH) | IH/RS | (IH,IH). (Keep 2 Iron heads) Off to cave. (RS) Right after Juniper. Accross beams. Get lucky egg and give to Excadrill and teach Strength, Surf and Fly. Back to city and to gym. Skyla: X Speed HC+RS(RS),RS,RS x3 or RS+IH+RS Teach Earthquake(Dig) Skarmory does 17-20(21)

Board the plane. No to juniper. Heal to 33HP (105HP for safety). Bike west to Reversal mountain. Get hidden Elixir. Round left. Up the middle. IH Vibrava,EQ,IH Drifloon Vibrava is 3/4 range and does 60-72 Right and out. Hugh: HC x2 IH,EQ,RS (HC RS,RS+EQ,IH if taunted) Samurott does 66-74(78) with aqua jet Get the max ether. Go to top of town. Heal to 62HP. Say no. Talk to Hugh. Double: RS,IH Sneasel (Golbat if missed t1),EQ. (If miss cryagonal: IH it,EQ) Cryagonal does 51-60(61), Sneasel does 18-21(22) Teach Swords Dance(Hone Claws) Get hidden rare candy and carbos. Heal to 96HP, use both carboses and rare candy and revive slaves. (Note: Delay carbos/candy/revive until before Triple Battle if 823+ extra exp) Go to gym. IH x2 Fraxure does 35-42 or 53-63 (Right) SD+EQ,EQ Fraxure does 42-50 Switch Excadrill to 2nd, heal to 69HP. (Carbos/candy/revive here if haven't) (Right) Gust Drudd & SD & TW, then EQ (if below half check health) Heal to 75HP (switch back if healing) Drayden: SD+IH,IH,IH (need 6 IHs, 3 EQs after fight) Haxorus does 28-33

Follow Drayden right. Fight dude right of centre. IH,EQ | RS,EQ Heal to 46HP (switch back if healing) IH,IH x2 Heal to 35HP and switch back if haven't Zinzolin: IH,IH,EQ Follow shadow triad out to east. EQ,EQ,EQ Fly to Undella Town, take Marine Tube, talk to Hugh, activate Marlon then go to the gym. EQ,RS | EQ(EQ),EQ If Golduck soaks, IH+EQ Starmie Marlon: IH+IH/EQ,SD/IH+EQ,(IH)+EQ Note: If Flinch Carracosta or if used Scald, use EQ. If burnt at any time, just take the death (If from Carracosta, EQ can still kill, then EQ on Wailord as he kills, revive and EQ will kill him, then IH+EQ Jellicent). Carracosta 102-120(122), Wailord 108-126(128), Jellicent 116-134(138)

Yes to marlon. Go north. Get machine (say no). Go back and south. EQ,EQ/IH OR EQ | IH,IH x2 Gligar does 44-52(54) (Max Ether EQ at any stage when you don't have EQ PP for next pokes and heal if below half, also revive Psyduck if both slaves dead) Right, down, across water, up, run from crustle and out. EQ,IH | IH Golbat, EQ, IH/EQ Garbodor (Use EQ if Samurott below 43, otherwise risk the 13/16) downstairs left: EQ,EQ,EQ Back up, enter password. 9909. IH Cyro,IH Cyro,EQ Weavile does 34-40(42) Fly to Himlau city, north again to giant chasm. Take southern exit to flag rope. Then right, down and out. IH(IH/RS),IH (IH finish if 3+PP) Accross ice, down on ship. Double: (SD until pidove dies) EQ, IH Scrafty, RS, IH Garb (EQ if missed Whirl, or had to RS Scrafty/Golbat) Scrafty does 122-144(146), will outspeed at -4 (if no slaves: IH,IH,IH | EQ,EQ,IH) deactivate, Pick up max elixir. If don't have PP for Zinzolin, max elixir, heal to 137HP and use moves with ¤ in front. Zinzolin: IH,IH,EQ/¤IH. Weavile does 34-40(42) Elixir (unless used max), heal to 103HP, teleport right Colress: IH+EQ,IH+EQ,EQ,IH+EQ,EQ Magneton 30-36, Magnezone 45-53, Klinklang 36-42/52-62 say yes. Go back and to the left. EQ,IH,IH x2 | EQ,IH,EQ (right) | EQ,IH,EQ (down) Pawniard does 12-13(14), Accelgor does 30-36 go out, through cave to Ghetsis IH Kyurem (free heal) Ghetsis: SD+EQ,EQ,IH,RS,IH,IH

yes to Hugh, escape Rope and go west. (EQ (will switch),RS) | SD+RS,IH | (EQ,EQ(RS)) (RS+IH,RS x2(RS)) | SD+EQ,EQ | (RS,RS) EQ,EQ,IH/RS+IH | IH,EQ(IH),EQ(IH) (OR SD+EQ/IH,IH,IH if <4 EQ PP) Sawk: 116-140 Beartic: 70-84 / 90-96 with brine under half Golurk: 140-168 (5/8 at 67, 7/8 at 68) Throh: 80-96 (7/16 at 67, 3/4 at 68) Hugh: SD (persim): IH/RS,IH,EQ,IH/RS (RS Unfezant if <8 PP, RS Simisage if <6 PP) Unfezant does 25-30 (need 5 IHs, 1 EQ after, exactly enough unless used extra)

Marshal(4): IH x2,IH,IH+EQ,RS+IH Throh does 56-68 (rarely 116-138), Conkulderr does 204-242, Sawk does 138-164. Just take the death here. If Conk uses bulk up, use IH/RS then EQ.

If low before Grimsley, heal during instead.

Grimsley(2): (Max) Elixir SD+IH,IH/¤EQ,IH/¤EQ,EQ Liepard Fake out does 9-10, Night slash does 21-26

If below 63HP, fight Caitlin first.

Shauntal(1): SD+EQ,EQ,IH,RS Cofagrigus does 25-30 (Burn is 32)

Caitlin(3): SD x2 (heal if t1 reflect) full heal, IH,IH,IH,IH

Heal to full if below 243HP

Iris: SD+IH,IH,EQ,IH+EQ,EQ,IH take death (revive slave) if burned & below 109 Heal on Aggron if below 151 If killed by Haxorus, Tail whip with Psyduck before max revive. Hydreigon 92-108(110), Haxorus 138-164/206-244