Rupture Farms
9 years ago
New South Wales, Australia

Thought Id make a new thread for the individual levels, rather than cluttering the other threads. So for Rupture farms specific talk, do it here.

Just PB'd in RF 100% by over 40 seconds. Very happy. It was pretty sloppy, but I incorporated some new tricks and route adjustments so I can probably still save 20 -30 seconds.


Possessing the Slig and killing the other Slig near the beginning seemed quite slow. I don't really have anything to time with right now but is this any faster? It feels faster but I dunno.

(The first room didn't go too well, but I don't think the rooms need to change at all)

New South Wales, Australia

It depends. It takes roughly 6 seconds or so to walk the slig over to the other slig, which is balanced by tryign to sneak that mudokon onto the elevator later on.

I dont know how long all that setup is, but I know one thing. You come out short on bombs. So you would have to make a route change to pickup more bombs, costing u within 2-5 seconds depending. I just double checked. You leave that elevator with 1 bomb. I leave with 2. With 2 I can destroy the chant suppresor in the 5th secret area, and I can kill the 2 sligs right after without stopping for bombs.

Its hard to figure out where the time save is. In the end, its probably only 2-3 seconds either way.

Also, I reviewed my run, and I made 26 seconds worth of mistakes. So sub 10 is very possible,


Ah, honestly I thought the bombs would reset after entering the door. Should've checked, sorry.

I just tried sneaking, and I'm not really sure it's any slower. I just timed really inaccurately (just using a clock). Slig -> Other slig took roughly 8 seconds, sneaking to elevator took roughly 5 seconds (compared to 1 second running). So sneaking is 2 seconds faster, I think?

Does talking to the mudokon at that range to the Slig wake him up? Try the way I do it in my video (2:23). I think that way should be quicker anyway because there's less backtracking and you only need to speak to him once.

New South Wales, Australia

I dunno, Ive never tried.

But if its only a 2 second time save, im probably just gonna stick to my route. Ive practiced it more and In a full run, Ill probably just end up getting killed by that first slig.

But thats whats cool about 100% compared to any%. Theres alot more route diversity.

New South Wales, Australia

10:16. Sloppy middle, but solid start and end. Sub 10 is next. Got some new strats in this one, and Smarty I changed my route up a bit due to the advice u gave on the sleeping slig. I still kill him first, but I rerouted a bit and I managed a second or 2 timesave by talking to the mudokon before jumping down the trapdoor.

New South Wales, Australia

im down to 9:39 on rupture farms, i haven't been to watch your vids or upload my own to share my strats though, it sucks because I really cant contribute effectively

United States

Individual levels have been added. Please submit all IL's with the proper starting procedure in the respected category from now on.

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