'Lympics park Bounce pad skip BKT
4 years ago
United States

I was able to get a time of 1:52.64 on 'Lympics but i dont have a capture card for my switch lol. But there's a way to skip the first bounce pad by getting a purple drift turbo, tricking off, the ramp then turning slightly to the right and immediately back to the left. At least, that's the only way I could do it.

1 - 37.84 2 - 37.29 3 - 37.49

I did it on lap one because its relatively hard but I'm working on making it more consistent.

I'm sure other people are way better than me at this game because I only started playing it yesterday. So, i hope someone can make more use of this trick.

Ghost_vui tycker om detta
United States

You can capture your gameplay by pointing a camera at your screen if you wanted to, as long as you can clearly see what’s happening, it’s acceptable!

United States

I discovered this yesterday while going for my record run. I was able to get a 1:52.66 without it, ut I can only imagine the potential time save if you could hit the skip on all 3 laps. You could probably get a 1:50

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