These runs need to be re-times (One needs to be disqualified)
4 years ago
United States

The bridge game starts when you "begin the game" this includes being in the cage thus meaning that the following runs should be re timed to these times. 1:06 1:09 1:09 1:10 1:10 1:42 (This one is good) (This one needs to be disqualified. It does not have enough proof and could have easily been faked. As well as breaking the rules that "The timer on the side needs to be shown")


Can u give reasons why the last run is fake?

United States

It breaks the rules since the rules state that the time on the side needs to be viewable. as well as the fact he doesn't show the begging of the game? which means he could have easily started recording 5 min in

United States

At least that rule used to be there, I just looked and can't find it. But my other point still stands

United States

As well as the fact he could have sped up the run or done other editing and you wouldn't know since the timer is there.


That rule wasnt kept by me, also that rule is of no use, ima change it

United States

Ok so you're going to get rid of the rule that shows people if you edited/speed up a run?


I think u or i misunderstood which timer are u talkin about?


I rejected the run

I know where you are coming from, Time, and I agree with you that they have to show the timer and try to show the lobby before and could even prove that they aren’t in a party by doing “/p” or “/c p”. There is many ways to make your run more verifiable and help the mods know you didn’t fake it even if you didn’t just because that’s how it should be.

But what I realized when running, and even NG staff confirmed it for me, that the scoreboard timer isn’t accurate enough when the server is lagging or other variables that can make the in-game timer inaccurate. (Go to #support on the Speedrun server and go to my last messages and there you will see what I mean, explained better with an example, and the link to the message on NG discord support channel confirming me that the scoreboard timer is inaccurate).

So that’s why in The Bridge runs we decided to make it so the time starts when we hit the floor (we can know that by looking at the visual sound wave it makes when in the editing program) and then we sync the video up with the timer. The run ends when the frame of the victory screen appears, so you don’t stop the timer before it appears, you stop it as soon as the first frame appears and that is your time in milliseconds. So for my run, which is the #1 on The Birdge at the moment, that’s what I did since we can’t rely on the scoreboard timer.

Even on my video you can see that inaccuracy of the timer that it sometimes didn’t even show the countdown when getting out of the cage like it happened after my 3rd goal I believe.

Also on the Bedwars category we also start the timer when the player first starts moving (as you can see in my other video “fastest final kill”) and end the same way; when the first frame of the victory screen pops up.

So we have two options, we use our own timing system and time it how I explained it above and still have the NG timer for reference because it is consistent most of the time. Or we use the NG timer primarily and the server lag or individual lag could be a form of RNG since we can’t control that.

I personally would rather have our own way of timing and using milliseconds too but also have the scoreboard timer so people don’t fake runs and just have it as another visual aid to verify runs. If we choose option 2, some people will always have a disadvantage when running because not everyone lives close to the server proxies and will lag and have a higher ping or other variables like that.

Redigerad av författaren 4 years ago
United States

@LikedWharf068 I know that the timer shouldn't be the timed way to do it, what they are doing is timing by the time when they hit the ground using the TIMER. Thus it is just as inaccurate while causing issues since not all mods time it the same way. Also, the reason the timer should be visible is to make it easier to tell if a run was edited speed up for an example

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  • Updated First Kill and 5 Kills categories. Conquests, and UHC have been added to both First Kill, and 5 Kills categories. Murder Mystery has been added to 5 kills and The Bridge has been added to First Kill.
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