Enemy despawn in 1/5?
8 years ago

So just watching DeathJohnson's WR and noticed there appears to be a despawned enemy. How is this achieved? Here's a screencap of what I mean. - http://i.imgur.com/Jgv07Vs.jpg

EDIT: Title should say 1/6

Redigerad av författaren 8 years ago
New Brunswick, Canada

I don't even understand the technical reason for it, something about doing the fast movement there just causes that enemy to not spawn, I believe the movement I try to do there is the fastest, so maybe the game just doesn't expect you to be there that quickly and for some reason can't spawn the enemy if you are.

Like, you can see on my previous PB video that's on the left of that screenshot, that I'm in about the same place at about the same time and the enemy is there, so the movement to avoid the spawn must be somewhat precise, at least.


I think it might be to do with the water drops triggering a sprite limit. Thanks!

New Brunswick, Canada

Yeah, that definitely makes a lot more sense than what I was thinking, and seems to be the case, I think it's just coincidence that getting there fast happens to put you in the situation where the sprite limit occurs. I did a casual run through of the area and caught that water trap thing at the start of the cycle instead of the end and it did the same thing with the dragon not spawning.

I guess they didn't find it in testing because they didn't expect people to barge through the traps like that.


I was able to replicate it. It's a nice little marker to know you're going through the waterfall section optimally.

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