Techniques: strats, glitches, etc.
7 years ago

In this thread, post glitches, strats, setups, or other exploits that you have found. I will include them in the OP


  • Name of exploit
  • Level(s) where exploit can be used
  • Description of exploit
  • TO-DO list for how to complete or improve on exploit

When running at top speed, jumping is about 10% faster. If you ever need to run for more than 2 seconds in one direction, remember to jump!

  • Level 1: Suspect: Andre Serena

You need 100$ by the time you are out of the building. Buy a grenade launcher.

Get to the other balcony using fast ledge travel. You must get to the other balcony as soon as possible or the strat will not work.

Drop down and immediately aim and shoot into the hallway through the open door.

[tag]This shot is precise, and you can use pause buffering to line up the shot correctly: hit pause, and tilt the aiming joystick to where you want John to aim. Hit pause twice very quickly. John will now have moved his aim by a small increment. Keep going until the shot is properly aligned. Release the joystick, unpause and immediately shoot.[/tag]

If done correctly, Serena will now be stunned and puking in the hallway. Break the glass, enter the hallway. As long as you don't pass the first corner, the door will remain open behind you. Damage Serena. Fast attack is fast, but a crouched sweep is more consistent. Pick Serena up, and throw him off the building.

  • Any level with a non-straight edge.
  • Executed in Lvl2, Lvl15

Jump to grab onto a ledge, and immediately aim your weapon mid-jump. During the jump, spin so that your back is facing the ledge. Release the aim button right before or as you hit the ground.

John will then grab the ledge with his back facing the ledge, and possibly start moving rapidly in one direction. No known exploits of this glitch yet.


  • Find an exploit using this glitch

  • Level 2: Suspect: Nikki Jameson

In the first room with the gas leak, you can reach the bridge with the button by jumping onto the big cylinder pumps. Jump onto the first pump under the middle of the first bridge, and place John as close to the bridge fence as possible. Run and jump to the second pump. Run around the central pillar to the other side, again place John into the corner. Run and jump again to the next pump.

This shortcut is technical and requires practice.

It is possible to kill two robots in one shot if they are close and in line of shot by using the Impact Shotgun.

  • Level 2: Nikki Jameson

At the top of staircase leading into the room where the grenade explodes, perform a roll down the stairs followed by bunny-hops straight ahead. This lets you pass the grenade before it explodes. Unfortunately, you find yourself stuck after this as the button to shut off the fire also triggers the level to continue.


  • Find a way to continue the level after skipping the grenade
  • Any level

It is possible in certain cases to chain roundhouse kicks. If each of these hit, they deal a lot of damage. Particularly effective for early Pre-crime (before they learn how to duck) or Andre Serena.


  • Find a setup to be able to perform this combo consistently.
  • Level 1: Andre Serena

After defeating the first two enemies of the level, one can pass the hallway without the door at the end closing. This is caused by one enemy which is supposed to enter the hallway through the exit door having a trouble pathing into the hallway and never making it in.

This seems only to happen when both enemy models and breakables are still loaded in the first room.


  • Figure out what causes this glitch to work occasionall
  • Find a setup to perform the glitch consistently
  • Level 7: Mall City Courtyard

At the very start of the level, jump off the bridge to the left to skip the cutscene with the robot.

  • All levels where precrime are lowered into the level.

When precrime are lowered from the sky into the level, use the concussion rifle to make them fall. If done when they are high enough, they will die instantly.

Trees which do not break instantly kill ragdolled enemies that touch them. Using the BAB combo, slide tackling, or simply picking up and throwing enemies into killer trees is an effective way of killing them

  • Level 40: Return of Suspect Nikki Jameson

At the very end of the level, making Nikki Jameson fall into the central pit instantly ends the game.

Jump onto the rim of the pit at either the front or back opening of the railing. Crouch and walk away from the pit, into the railing opening, keep walking. While in this position and when Nikki is near, aim your weapon.

If done correctly, Nikki will perform a grapple which will clip you through the railing (and to safety), while she herself will land behind you. In this case, behind you is the pit.

This exploit saves 1 to 2 minutes of fighting.

NOTE: When performing this strat, Nikki is not technically killed, even though the game does end. A secret is tied to Nikki's death, so if doing a run where getting secrets is expected, this strat cannot be performed, and Nikki's health bar must be emptied.

  • Every level with a ledge, notoriously, lvl1: Andre Serena, and lvl15: Steriflux Pumps

To travel along a ledge faster, push your desired direction, then let go to interrupt the animation mid-way, and push the direction again, repeat. The end of the animation is a recovery period, this trick effectively skips it and goes faster than just keeping the joystick tilted.

When jumping and doing either a strong or a fast attack mid-air (the result is identical), John will perform a jump-punch attack. This attack makes John jump higher and further than otherwise. Hitting the attack button very fast after jumping exacerbates the effect.

  • Level 7: Mall City Courtyard

After entering the vents, run towards the flow of air until you are in the first corner of the vent facing to the right. As soon as it stops, run-jump straight, take your second left and wait in the hole to your right until the second cycle finishes. If you reached this safety spot, you will be able to finish in 2 cycles, instead of the usual 4.

  • Level 21: To the sprawl!

You can pass the falling sewage with the jetpack by flying vertically, sticking close to the wall, and being at an angle parallel to the wall.


  • Find a setup to consistently perform this clip on all falling sewage. Currently, only the first falling sewage in the first section and the last falling sewage are reliably skipped.
  • Lvl23: Pepper Hotel

In the last room of the level, there is a random chance for precrime to drop impact shotguns. 1, 2, or 3 impact shotguns can drop. By bringing one or two precrime from the staircase into the final room, the chances of dropping an impact shotgun is increased.

As a bonus, if you are careful not to unload the enemy(ies) you brought in, and if you are sure the remaining (if any) in the staircase is deloaded, you will also drop a conussion rifle.

Level 34: Back in the sprawl

On the left side of the bus, walk up on the sidewalk. From there perform a jump-punch onto the bus. If done properly, you will be able to jump on top of the bus and skip the first section of the level.

Redigerad av författaren 2 years ago
bradenexplosion tycker om detta
New Jersey, USA

I wish we could find a consistent way to get door skip on Serena. Little saves like that are nice.

ratn tycker om detta
New Jersey, USA

Also, on Mosley: Round Two, don't crowd PreCrime as they leave the train. You run the risk of trapping officers out of bounds, requiring a stage reset.

ratn tycker om detta
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