More categories
5 years ago
Oregon, USA

There should be more categories. including 100% and level runs. would definately be nice to see


@Cryoshotz I edit the rules. These are based of Kennert007 and my run

Redigerad av författaren 5 years ago
Cryoshotz tycker om detta

I'm also looking into other categories, as there is hidden objectives and hero moments aswell. So yes I will add a 100 % Category


So from further Investigation of a so called 100% category. Technically to complete the game 100% to get all the medals, it looks like the player would not only have to finish the game on one difficulty and complete all the secondary objectives and hero moments but also complete the game on each difficulty once. I don't think anyone would want to do that (certainly not in one sitting) I'm not sure do you get all "difficulty" medals by just completing the game on realistic difficulty. Otherwise I think a better name would be something on the lines of All objectives

Cryoshotz tycker om detta
Oregon, USA

true. i agree. 100% is out of the question. i think level runs could be added though. Also im not sure if anyone would wanna run all objectives. So in my opinion i think jus having any % is okay for this game. other categories is just out of the question now. Especially since there are so few of us active with this game. ive been running it but havnt uploaded a time cause im continually trying to get a better time.

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