1 year ago
Washington, USA

I am trying to beat level 7 and Level 10. I have been watching the different YouTube Videos of @cold_mtdw and @flashhh But, Frame Perfect Jumping is so difficult to me. Is there any way to find out that I am doing a Perfect Frame Jump?

Oh_my_gourdness tycker om detta
Washington, USA

I want to get Level 7 and Level 10 done. So, I can be tied for 1st Place with all of you other great people. Like, @cold_mtdw and @flashhh

Oh_my_gourdness tycker om detta

just buffer click, start holding the button BEFORE u hit the ground. idk if it works for lvl 7 and 10 but u can try

Oh_my_gourdness och grntsz gillar detta
Borttagen av författaren
North Carolina, USA

I just got lucky, though after some time you shold get it down

SpeedRunFan2022 tycker om detta
Washington, USA

Level 21 is so impossible. I cannot even get it done and I have been trying to do this for like 1 week and I cannot get it. The closest that I can get a 7s 660ms. I cannot get the 7s 650ms. It is impossible. There is no way that you 3 did this impossible level.

Redigerad av författaren 1 year ago
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Postad 1 year ago