how the actual fuck did harry achieve a 6:23 11 years ago
3 days ago

like genuinely pound for pound it is one of the craziest achievements i've seen in speedrunning. I get this community isn't that active but a 6:23 is damn near perfect. The tas is presumed to be around 5:50ish, and at least 20 of those seconds aren't humanly possible to achieve. Genuinely no clue how he did it.


I was the one that submitted Harry's run from Speed Demos Archive back when these leaderboards were created. The run is still available there: And re-uploaded to YouTube by someone here:

It's been a while since I watched it, but it wouldn't hurt to scrutinize it a bit. It has happened before that these verified SDA runs were in fact spliced (for instance Exo's infamous Super Meat Boy run).

I seem to vaguely recall seeing a live run of Mighty Jill-Off by him, but got nothing, so I don't know if it's just my memory playing tricks on me or if it was at some other event.

harry is in the discord under the name of "hr", you could ask him if youd like


I thank you for the compliment but I think it's a bit of an exaggeration.

There are a couple of tricks that I either didn't know about or didn't do, but aside from that I know I messed up the part where you fall through the flames, the part before the spiders towards the end where I bump my head, in the spider room where I try to jump over the block as it spawns but bump my head because I was too slow and then on the very last section where you should ideally be super jumping every platform.

To mess up that many times in about 6 mins is a long way from perfection in speedrunning terms and actually I am a bit surprised that no-one has beat it yet with the renewed interest in the game.

In fact I remember not being happy with my run and I almost didn't submit it to SDA for that reason, but I had worked hard enough on it and I had become too busy to do any more runs for a while so I did.

I don't think I've ever done a live run, and it's generally not my thing to livestream speedrunning because I wouldn't be concentrate to the maximum and also because I personally don't enjoy watching speedrun streams.

If anyone really thinks I spliced it though I suppose I could be convinced to do a live run in the discord where I should be able to get a run that beats the second place, but we'll see on that.


damn, i've been trying to go for the record and its just the 50 room jump + a bunch of little mistakes. Shoutout to you for optimizing the run so much so many years ago, its really stood the test of time. I absolutely DO NOT think that you were cheating or whatever, I understand that through my words it may have come off that way, moreso I just meant it as a compliment - I really am just amazed at how good the run was.