doodle speedrunning analysis - Halloween 2013
doodle speedrunning analysis - Halloween 2013
Uppdaterad 3 years ago av KilleDragon

"Happy Halloween!", Halloween 2013 yep that game of the witch were you can get into 6 diferent minigames depending of how you combinate the 4 ingredients i have something quite interesting to say about this game

previous notes:

  • just if you thought about it, nope, doesnt matter what ingredient you enter first out of the 2, minigame will be the same
  • doesnt matter the order for the minigames; just that you have to end in the green thingy minigames for timing reasons if you want to submit to the site (if someone, blame mods xd)

START THE GAME: FRAMERULE IN THE CUTSCENE (1,8 seconds) long story short: click the arrow to start the game just when she is moving here eye from left to right in the opening cutscene ; keep reading to understand it all right so there is a high chance you heard about this word before, mostly because of the 21 frames framerule system in the original Super Mario Bros for the NES ("imagine a bus" momento); well, this game has something close to that at the very start check this small clip just for visual did you guys noticed the action ocurring from before you even start the game? the witch is alredy moving her eye from a side to another constantly, in a cycle where it repeats it until you click to start okey, maybe someone more noticed that sometimes you have to wait more after clicking for the book-opening action to start happening right? welp, all of this is related now click and check how her eyes is just when she closes it to start opening the book in fact, the witch is always going to start opening the book just EXACTLY when she is in the midle action of moving her eye from left to right, doesnt matter when you clicked the game in that cycle i calculated that the witch spends exactly 1,8 seconds to move her eye from a side to another every time basicaly, the game works like this: in the code of the game, every 1,8 seconds, the game will check if you clicked in the game; if the game isnt clicked, the animation will just restart and wait other 1,8 seconds to check again; if you clicked, the game will start with the next animation and what means all of this? well, depending of when you click randomly, there is a variation of up to 1,8 full seconds that you can lose if you click the game just at the start of the cycle, because you will have to wait 1,8 for the witch to start opening the book when the run alredy started the point of all of this is that you have to make sure to click starting new game just when she is about to get to the end of the cycle, just when the eye is moving from left to right, in order to start game efficently and not having to wait for the cycle, because you will probably lose more than a full second if you just randomly click after freshing the game

after this ted talk, i'll go with minigames and menuing stuff

getting first 2 ingredients note that you can start taking ingredients the very 1st time just when the book cutscene starts fading in contrast with the ingredients screen; you will probably prefer to start with both left ingredients for the simple reason of them being easier to get fast in this point, beside this leaving to the probably hardest minigame out of the 6 to do fast

hands bone+water minigame yep, the most RNG minigame of all where can be a bit hard to pass with a good time hands will appear and you basicaly have to click them fast in order to hide them, and if you are slow maybe more hands appear and can make you lose a ton of time well, here, having to react that fast to click hands maybe isnt the cleanest thing you can do; also, i realiced you can avoid some hands appearing from even before they are visible if you click them so, well, what i do myself is basicaly starting fastly moving the cursor around the 5 holes and clicking all of them as fast as posible without waiting to see the hands when you see a hand get out, automaticaly go to click it and keep clicking in the rest of the holes, and try to avoid all the hands with luck, only 2-3 hands will appear that you have to get down, which is fast

phantoms water+skull minigame the minigame where there are a lot of phantoms in the house and you have to put the cursor over them as well as with the pumpkins, so they float to the moon well, initialy you would simply just run to get the cursor over all of them so you send them as fast as posible to the moon but, there is something more here: you have to wait for all the phantoms to be around the moon, where each one is going to place himself in a diferent position, right? well, in a first place, phantoms will ALWAYS start going to the right side of the moon, as far as is posible, making the do the longest travels; the first phantoms that you send will do this so, the strat? you have to go from right to left: simple like that, put the cursor before over all the phantoms in the right side of the house to send them to the right, and end with the left ones to send them to the closest side doing this, all the phantoms will get quite equaly in time to the moon, instead of wasting more time with the left phantoms going all the way to the right, as they are the ones farthest from the moon

pumpkin bone+apple minigame in the minigame, you basicaly only have to move the cursor over all the 5 pumpkins, and wait all the way up to the mouse getting over all the pumpkins doesnt matter the order to light them, tho i would recommend just because of mouse movement going from left to right and ending in the top one just put the cursor in the 1st pumpkin area, and start doing the path fast when you start seeing that 1st pumpkin just make sure you dont do it too fast, as it can happend that you are so fast for the game that it doesn't recognize your cursor

spiders water+apple minigame not a lot to say about this minigame indeed, fastest minigame of all, the one where you have to cut all the spiders ropes when they go down basicaly, be ready for them in the top of the screen, and start cutting from a side to the other just when the rope is visible in this very top of the screen you probably can prepare yourself pointing at the very start in the exact point where the rope is going to be, so it cuts instantly when you start to move the cursor as long as you dont start moving it to early and then, just move cursor in good speed, without being to fast so you dont skip the ropes and about how fast you have to move the cursor, well, just prove for it, and each one has to get consistent in what exact speed get moving the mouse to cut the ropes as fast as is posible

green thingy skull+apple minigame remember that this has to be the very last minigame of the run btw the minigame where you can try following with the light that green thingy until he jumpscares you, where the minigame ends so, how much you have to keep following the green thingy for him to scare you? well, actualy, following him doesnt actualy make it faster... at all and actualy, is fully an autoscroller the game if you find him at least once it only matters finding him at least once, is pretty curious of a minigame lol so what to do? well, when you enter the minigame, automaticaly start getting light in the screen to find him at least once, and thats it when you find him 1 time, then you just have to wait for him to jumpscare, and doesnt matter if you keep following him or not, it will be the same in fact, i calculated that, if you find the green thing in withing the first 3 seconds or even more of the gameplay, he will always jumpscare you at the exact same time (getting the black fadeout in around 7,75 seconds since getting the 2nd ingredient) it doesnt even matter finding him faster than that, so is a free minigame

coffins bone+skull minigame so, yea, you randomly get 1 out of the 3 coffins; indeed it doesnt matter at all what coffin you get here, just get any as fast as you can you have to wait for the coffins to stop moving and cant make them go faster in any way, so just wait for them spam click in a place where the coffin appears so you can get it fast just after they stop moving

aaaand i think thats it yea remember to contact me if you have any proposition for me to add or have any question about this, i dont mind responding :D good luck with running this game! :D

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