Incomplete Car Stats [WIP]
Incomplete Car Stats [WIP]
Uppdaterad 4 years ago av ColetteDiskette

ENERGY: All cars start with 400 energy. The difference between the cars regarding energy is in how much energy is depleted per single shot and how much damage each single shot does. Each shot does twice the damage it depletes energy.

Jose - 4 energy (8 damage) Luis - 5 energy (10 damage) Maria - 8 energy (16 damage) Omega - 5 energy (10 damage) Hooper - 5 energy (10 damage) Ouzbel - 10 energy (20 damage) Paloma - 8 energy (16 damage) Ramon - 10 energy (20 damage)

Double and triple lasers are effectively power-downs instead of power-ups since they only deal extra damage on the first shot after obtaining them (due to a coding error) but they always expend extra energy.

Sometimes a shot will do 1 less damage than it should. I assume this is a rounding error. This means sometimes it will take 5 shots to kill an enemy car with Ouzbel or Ramon and sometimes it will take 6.

HEALTH: All enemy cars have 100 health. Your health varies depending on which car you use:

Jose - 120 Luis - 100 Maria - 100 Omega - 80 Hooper - 110 Ouzbel - 70 Paloma - 120 Ramon - 70


Jose - Single laser. Warning device. Luis - Triple lasers. Warning device. Maria - Triple lasers. Warning device. Omega - Double lasers. Warning device. Hooper - Double lasers. Ouzbel - Triple lasers. Warning device. Missiles. Paloma - Double lasers. Ramon - Triple lasers. Missiles.

Note that not a single car has shield capabilities.
