Any% Guide
Any% Guide
Uppdaterad 5 years ago av Dolany

general notes: - main movement spell is ego + move rune - try to not run out of mana completely as it will take longer to refill - try to use as much mana before changing an area, as you get a free refill - consider using mouse for menus (preference) - trigger interrupting is opening a menu on the same tile a cutscene would start and thus skipping its trigger - void warping is opening any menu at the right time while falling. It can easily be done by pressing dpad up and spamming B on controller - texture lagging is using the lag created by changing the texture quality to skip some triggers - wrong warping is done by opening the map after choosing the destination while teleporting and focusing on another area - double zia is done by quitting out after warping. You then have to clear the loading screen after the dots at the bottom right start moving again - clipping is done by turncasting your size creo. Look in any direction where you dont want to create your creo, then cast it and turn in the right direction ---- the later you turn, the bigger is the pushback and the better you clip, but if you do it too late, your creo will be in the wrong position - having a save file in Lava grotto in your second slot (if slot 3 is empty) or your third slot, you wont hit the save lantern in Lava grotto saving time after the igni quitout

Tutorial - skip the mentor cutscene with trigger interrupting - skip the book cinematic cutscene with trigger interrupting (dont try to skip the dialog cutscene)


- void warp south and leave to mystral woods

Mystral woods

- head right and trigger interrupt rachels cutscene, so gain movement during it
- go to the mana bulb and use the flower abuse glitch to cross the river
    ---- you have to fall into the water during picking up the mana bulb, so the screen fades to black
    ---- clear the popup text, then tap ego and move left
- head up, explode the barrel and do the lardee boss fight
    ---- if you stand close enough and at a right angle he cant hit you, so you can mash him down with actus
    ---- you need a decent amount of health so his adds wont kill you
- get the move rune and equip it to actus, ego and creo 
- destroy the barrel blocking the path to old mines and enter
- leave immediately (dont quit out here)
- do twiggs skip (either creo version or lardee void)
- head up to the rise

The rise

- head left and texture lag before the bridge
- while falling dash up, so you respawn in front of the right rune puzzle
- grab the lantern to the right and solve the puzzle with spell redirecting
- head up to the teleporter
- double zia wrong warp to old mines

Old mines

- press A after you heared the second load finish
- move down till you cant see Zias shadow anymore, but dont leave the area
- texture lag past the entrance loading zone, then dash up till you fall and respawn behind the door
- head to the small pond infront of the boss door
- fall into it, then dash after respawning to clip through the wall
- trigger interrupt the sage cutscene, then talk to him to get the gaea element
- quit out and reload

The rise

- head up to the teleporter
- double zia wrong warp to lava grotto, but mash A after quitting out, so you see the main menu (dont load into any save)
- during the wrong warp setup, change your creo to gaea element

Lava grotto

- this skips lava grottos intro cutscene and you see a weird view of thew bridge
- to gain back movement press A to focus the camera on Zia and then open the start menu and close it
- head to the lamp post before the big goblin fight and get OOB using creo
- skip the scarab fight by falling into lava OOB (watch a run for the exact movement here)
- trigger interrupt the sage cutscene, then talk to him to get the igni element
- quit out and reload

The rise

- head back to the teleport pad
- wrong warp to highlands (dont do double zia here)
- while setting up the wrong warp create a new creo spell with move, and igni


- head to the goblin tent by the water
- consider grabbing some health if low
- fall into the water after triggering the loading zone
    ---- dash into the loading zone while holding dpad up and mashing B 
    ---- once the screen starts to fade, stop buffering the menu and dash right 
- after respwaning head down and left to the size puzzle
- solve it with your igni creo spell, then grab size
    ---- you can grab it from underneath the ledge, but its riskier
- if you didnt die, head down to the teleport pad
    ---- if you died, thats not too bad although it looses some time
    ---- you will respawn in rise, so you have to go to the teleport pad
- double zia wrong warp into dark tower
- while setting up the wrong warp create a new creo spell with size and gaea

Dark tower

- head towards the barrier blocking the way to the first clovis fight
- press A while moving towards it, so you create a moving Zia
    ---- be careful with your angle, so she doesnt start moving in circles
    ---- you can do it from farther away, which is riskier
- push the moving zia through the barrier using your size creo
- immidiately hold left
- you will enter the first clovis fight
- dash left so zia will stop walking automatically, then trigger interrupt past the fight trigger
- clip through the door past clovis1
- exit out after you hit the lantern in the next door and reload
    ---- not exiting out before the last clovis fight makes you softlock
    ---- after reloading you can see your health and mana again, which is handy
- clip through all sage room doors
- before the final fight, collect some health
- fight the last boss while manipulating his AI 
    ---- move in circles around him till he throws a rock
    ---- after that attack him with 4 igni creos and start moving in circles again
    ---- this will make so you survive his attacks and he doesnt teleport, which is the worst thing he could do
    ---- you should need to do this 2 times in between each puzzle (sometimes 3 if something messed up)
    ---- after each phase of puzzles hit him with 1 igni creo before circling around him
- see the rules for the end timing
- gz on PB?
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Postad 6 years ago
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