NivåFörsta platsen
DOS 001 - Just dig!
DOS 002 - Only floaters can survive this
DOS 003 - Tailor-made for blockers
DOS 004 - Now use miners and climbers
DOS 005 - You need bashers this time
DOS 006 - A task for blockers and bombers
DOS 007 - Builders will help you here
DOS 008 - Not as complicated as it looks
DOS 009 - As long as you try your best
DOS 010 - Smile if you love lemmings
DOS 011 - Keep your hair on Mr. Lemming
DOS 012 - Patience
DOS 013 - We all fall down (Fun)
DOS 014 - Origins and Lemmings
DOS 015 - Don't let your eyes deceive you
DOS 016 - Don't do anything too hasty
DOS 017 - Easy when you know how
DOS 018 - Let's block and blow
DOS 019 - Take good care of my Lemmings
DOS 020 - We are now at LEMCON ONE
DOS 021 - You Live and Lem
DOS 022 - A Beast of a level
DOS 023 - I've lost that Lemming feeling
DOS 024 - Konbanwa Lemming san
DOS 025 - Lemmings Lemmings everywhere
DOS 026 - Nightmare on Lem street
DOS 027 - Let's be careful out there
DOS 028 - If only they could fly
DOS 029 - worra lorra lemmings
DOS 030 - Lock up your Lemmings
DOS 031 - This should be a doddle!
DOS 032 - We all fall down (Tricky)
DOS 033 - A ladder would be handy
DOS 034 - Here's one I prepared earlier
DOS 035 - Careless clicking costs lives
DOS 036 - Lemmingology
DOS 037 - Been there, seen it, done it/The ascending pillar
DOS 038 - Lemming sanctuary in sight
DOS 039 - They just keep on coming
DOS 040 - There's a lot of them about
DOS 041 - Lemmings in the attic
DOS 042 - Bitter Lemming
DOS 043 - Lemming Drops
DOS 045 - Ozone friendly Lemmings
DOS 046 - Luvly Jubly/Lovely jubilee
DOS 047 - Diet Lemmingaid
DOS 048 - It's Lemmingentry Watson
DOS 049 - Postcard from Lemmingland
DOS 050 One way digging to freedom
DOS 051 - All the 6's ........
DOS 052 - Turn around young lemmings!
DOS 053 - From The Boundary Line
DOS 054 - Tightrope City
DOS 055 - Cascade
DOS 056 - I have a cunning plan
DOS 057 - The Island of the Wicker people
DOS 058 - Lost something?
DOS 059 - Rainbow Island
DOS 060 - The Crankshaft
DOS 061 - If at first you don't succeed..
DOS 062 - Watch out, there's traps about
DOS 063 - Heaven can wait (we hope!!!!)
DOS 064 - Lend a helping hand....
DOS 065 - The Prison!
DOS 066 - Compression Method 1
DOS 067 - Every Lemming for himself!!!
DOS 068 - The Art Gallery
DOS 069 - Perseverance
DOS 070 - Izzie Wizzie lemmings get busy
DOS 071 - The ascending pillar scenario
DOS 072 - Livin' On The Edge
DOS 073 - Upsidedown World
DOS 074 - Hunt the Nessy....
DOS 075 - What an AWESOME level
DOS 076 - Mary Poppins' land
DOS 077 - X marks the spot
DOS 078 - Tribute to M.C.Escher
DOS 079 - Bomboozal
DOS 080 - Walk the web rope
DOS 081 - Feel the heat!
DOS 082 - Come on over to my place
DOS 083 - King of the castle
DOS 084 - Take a running jump.....
DOS 085 - Follow the leader...
DOS 086 - Triple Trouble
DOS 087 - Call in the bomb squad
DOS 089 - How do I dig up the way?
DOS 090 - We all fall down (Taxing)
DOS 091 - Steel Works
DOS 092 - The Boiler Room
DOS 093 - It's hero time!
DOS 094 - The Crossroads
DOS 095 - Down, along, up. In that order
DOS 096 - One way or another
DOS 097 - Poles Apart
DOS 098 - Last one out is a rotten egg!
DOS 099 - Curse of the Pharaohs
DOS 100 - Pillars of Hercules
DOS 101 - We all fall down (Mayhem)
DOS 102 - The Far Side/The Other Side
DOS 103 - The Great Lemming Caper
DOS 104 - Pea Soup
DOS 105 - The Fast Food Kitchen...
DOS 106 - Just a Minute...
DOS 107 - Stepping Stones
DOS 108 - And then there were four....
DOS 109 - Time to get up!
DOS 110 - No added colours or Lemmings
DOS 111 - With a twist of lemming please
DOS 112 - A BeastII of a level
DOS 113 - Going up.......
DOS 114 - All or Nothing
DOS 115 - Have a nice day!
DOS 116 - The Steel Mines of Kessel
DOS 117 - Just a Minute (Part Two)
DOS 118 - Mind the step.....
DOS 119 - Save Me
DOS 120 - Rendezvous at the Mountain
Genesis 001 - Just Dig!
Genesis 002 - Only floater can survive this
Genesis 003 - Tailor made for blockers
Genesis 004 - Now use miners and climbers
Genesis 005 - You need bashers this time.
Genesis 006 - A task for blockers and bombers
Genesis 007 - Builders will help you here.
Genesis 008 - Not as complicated as it looks.
Genesis 009 - As long as you try your best
Genesis 010 - Smile if you love Lemmings
Genesis 011 - Keep your hair on Mr. Lemming
Genesis 012 - Patience
Genesis 013 - We all fall down (Fun)
Genesis 014 - Room with no exit
Genesis 015 - Tea time in the ball country
Genesis 016 - Take a little rest
Genesis 017 - Easy when you know how
Genesis 018 - Lets block and blow
Genesis 019 - Catch more floaters
Genesis 020 - We are now at lemcom one
Genesis 021 - Lemmings in the attic
Genesis 022 - A Beast of a level
Genesis 023 - Under construction
Genesis 024 - Konbanwa Lemming san
Genesis 025 - Lemmings lemmings everywhere
Genesis 026 - The Great Lemming Caper (Fun)
Genesis 027 - Let's be careful out there
Genesis 028 - If only they could fly
Genesis 029 - Dark Dawn
Genesis 030 - Lock up your lemmings
Genesis 031 - We all fall down (Tricky)
Genesis 032 - A ladder would be handy
Genesis 033 - Lemingology
Genesis 034 - The ascending pillar scenario
Genesis 035 - Lemming sanctuary in sight
Genesis 036 - Lemmings in the attic
Genesis 037 - Bitter lemming
Genesis 038 - Lemming drops
Genesis 039 - Where do you see lemmings?
Genesis 040 - Keep Step
Genesis 041 - Let's go to the moon!
Genesis 042 - Go out for a walk?
Genesis 043 - Salvage boat
Genesis 044 - MENACING!!
Genesis 045 - Ozone friendly lemmings
Genesis 046 - Lovely jubilee
Genesis 047 - Diet Lemmingaid
Genesis 048 - It's Lemminentry Watson
Genesis 049 - Postcard from Lemmingland
Genesis 050 - One way digging to freedom
Genesis 051 - Don't leave any lemmings
Genesis 052 - Turn around young Lemmings!
Genesis 053 - From the boundary line
Genesis 054 - Tightrope City
Genesis 055 - Cascade
Genesis 056 - I have a cunning plan
Genesis 057 - Everybody turn left!
Genesis 058 - Lost something?
Genesis 059 - Konnichiwa Lemming san
Genesis 060 - Don't follow me
Genesis 061 - The bridge is breaking down
Genesis 062 - Temporary peace
Genesis 063 - No choice but to follow them
Genesis 064 - Lend a helping hand...
Genesis 065 - The Prison!
Genesis 066 - Compression method 1
Genesis 067 - Jump down!
Genesis 068 - Lemmings search for treasure.
Genesis 069 - Perseverance
Genesis 070 - Izzie Wizzie Lemmings get busy
Genesis 071 - The ascending pillar scenario
Genesis 072 - Livin' On The Edge
Genesis 073 - Walk through here but cautiously
Genesis 074 - Value each moment
Genesis 075 - What an AWESOME level
Genesis 076 - Umbrella land
Genesis 077 - Lunch time!
Genesis 078 - Tribute to M.C. Escher
Genesis 079 - Bomboozal
Genesis 080 - Fall and no life
Genesis 081 - Feel the heat!
Genesis 082 - Come on over to my place
Genesis 083 - King of the castle
Genesis 084 - Keep all enemies out.
Genesis 085 - Watch right and left!
Genesis 086 - Triple Trouble
Genesis 087 - Watch your fingertip!
Genesis 088 - Watch right or left!
Genesis 089 - How do I dig out a path?
Genesis 090 - We all fall down (Taxing)
Genesis 091 - Let's get together
Genesis 092 - The Boiler Room
Genesis 093 - It's hero time
Genesis 094 - The Crossroads
Genesis 095 - Down, along, up, in that order
Genesis 096 - Over the wall
Genesis 097 - Poles apart
Genesis 098 - Last one out is a rotten egg!
Genesis 099 - Twins
Genesis 100 - Dangerous Balcony (Genesis)
Genesis 101 - We all fall down (Mayhem)
Genesis 102 - The Other Side
Genesis 103 - The Great Lemming Caper (Mayhem)
Genesis 104 - Climb and fall. Fall and climb.
Genesis 105 - Two ponds
Genesis 106 - Just a minute...
Genesis 107 - Stepping stones
Genesis 108 - Two different worlds
Genesis 113 - A group of entrances
Genesis 116 - Lemming eater
Genesis 118 - Leftovers are not always a waste
Genesis 119 - No hurry, Relax.
Genesis 120 - Lemmings' Ark
Genesis 121 - Natural Life
Genesis 122 - Don't leave my lemmings
Genesis 123 - Let me get out of here!
Genesis 124 - Lemmings standing on the earth
Genesis 125 - Darkness of the royal family
Genesis 126 - No time for a detour
Genesis 127 - Everyone turn Left!
Genesis 128 - Libra (Part Two)
Genesis 129 - Fix the road, quick!
Genesis 130 - Where are you heading?
Genesis 131 - Field athletics
Genesis 132 - Balance beam
Genesis 133 - Watch your step (Part two)
Genesis 134 - Like an overflowing wave
Genesis 135 - Evil whisper
Genesis 136 - A Trap is a trap.
Genesis 137 - Electric circuit
Genesis 138 - King of Lemmings
Genesis 139 - Acrophobia
Genesis 140 - Lemmings-preying iron plate
Genesis 141 - Use your brain better.
Genesis 142 - None title
Genesis 143 - Precarious oasis
Genesis 144 - Everyone's a hard nut.
Genesis 145 - Underground City
Genesis 146 - Pitfall
Genesis 147 - Try anything once.
Genesis 148 - Which one are you trying to get?
Genesis 149 - Private room available
Genesis 150 - Final impediment
Genesis 151 - Rules to fall
Genesis 152 - Inside the bone
Genesis 153 - Anxiety
Genesis 154 - Train your body
Genesis 155 - Watch your step
Genesis 156 - Libra
Genesis 157 - Everyone turn left (Part two)
Genesis 158 - Is this a circus?
Genesis 159 - Evacuating coal mine
Genesis 160 - Spiral Staircase
Genesis 161 - Turn around and look
Genesis 162 - Water processing plant
Genesis 163 - Doomsday
Genesis 164 - No world without you
Genesis 165 - Exodus
Genesis 166 - Here is Mr. Lemming's house
Genesis 167 - Cave quest
Genesis 168 - SUNSOFT Special
Genesis 169 - Let's go camping.
Genesis 170 - Haunted botanical garden
Genesis 171 - Be sure to be a builder
Genesis 172 - Watch right or left (Part two)
Genesis 173 - Move on in two separate groups.
Genesis 174 - Out, away form the tune
Genesis 175 - Stray sheep
Genesis 176 - Just a Minute (Part three)
Genesis 177 - Two heads are better...
Genesis 178 - The gate trap Lemmings.
Genesis 179 - I am A.T.
Genesis 180 - Fall and no life (Part Two)
NES 001 - Just Dig
NES 002 - Only Floaters Can Survive This
NES 003 - Tailor Made For Blockers
NES 004 - Use Some Miners and Climbers
NES 005 - You Need Bashers This Time
NES 006 - Now For Blockers and Bombers
NES 007 - Have You Tried a Builder
NES 008 - As Long As You Try Your Best
NES 009 - Smile if You Love Lemmings
NES 010 - Keep Your Hair on Mr Lemming
NES 011 - Patience
NES 012 - We All Fall Down
NES 013 - Origins and Lemmings
NES 014 - Danger The Bridge Is Out
NES 015 - Do Not Do Anything Too Hasty
NES 016 - It Looks Very Easy
NES 017 - Block and Blow
NES 018 - You Live and Lem
NES 019 - I Get that Lemming Feeling
NES 020 - Konbanwa Lemming San
NES 021 - Lemmings Lemmings Everywhere
NES 022 - Two for Lemmington Spa
NES 023 - Be Care Out There
NES 024 - Norra Lorra Lemmings
NES 025 - Lemming and Lime
NES 026 - This One is a Doddle
NES 027 - A Bag of Lemming Drops
NES 028 - A Ladder Would Be Nice
NES 029 - One I Prepared Earlier
NES 030 - Lemming I Scream
NES 031 - Lemming Sanctuary in Sight
NES 032 - They Just Keep on Coming
NES 033 - Roast Lemming And Potatoes
NES 034 - Bitter Lemming
NES 035 - Pesky Lemmings
NES 036 - Lemming Flavour Please
NES 037 - A Pint of Lemming Barman
NES 038 - Is Your Lemmingaid Working
NES 039 - Lemmingentry Doctor Watson
NES 040 - Postcard from Lemmingland
NES 041 - One Way Digging to Freedom
NES 042 - From The Boundary Line
NES 043 - Tightrope City
NES 044 - Take The Long Way Down
NES 045 - I Have This Cunning Plan
NES 046 - Climb Every Mountain
NES 047 - Please Let Me In
NES 048 - Iced Lemming
NES 049 - The Crankshaft
NES 050 - Lemming Good Fun
NES 051 - Roman In The Ruins
NES 052 - Mind Your Step
NES 053 - Up The Wooden Hill
NES 054 - These Lemmings Need Help
NES 055 - The Prison
NES 056 - A Spot of Bother
NES 057 - Fly Lemming Airlines
NES 058 - A Slice of Lemming Pie
NES 059 - Strange Land
NES 060 - Just Like Mary Poppins
NES 061 - Abombinable Lemmings
NES 062 - On the Spiders Web
NES 063 - Can You Stand The Heat
NES 064 - Come On Over To My Place
NES 065 - Pee Wee Creatures
NES 066 - Caution Lemmings on Road
NES 067 - Just Drop In
NES 068 - Arctic Lemmings
NES 069 - Where Are The Crates
NES 070 - Come to Lemming Country
NES 071 - Cloud Base One
NES 072 - Seen It All Before
NES 073 - Help My Lemmings On FIre
NES 074 - Lemming Squash
NES 075 - A Lemming Just Ate My Dinner
NES 076 - At The Steel Works
NES 077 - In The Boiler Room
NES 078 - Who Wants To Be A Hero
NES 079 - There Must Be More To Life
NES 080 - Liberate A Lemming Today
NES 081 - Calling International Rescue
NES 082 - Two For Tea Please
NES 083 - Houston We Got A Problem
NES 084 - Pass Me That Lemming
NES 085 - Two Steps On The Water
NES 086 - Ideal Lemming Exhibition
NES 087 - The Lemmings Canna Take It
NES 088 - Revenge Of The Lemmings
NES 089 - Open Season For Lemmings
NES 090 - This Lemmings Faulty
NES 091 - Hello John Got A New Lemming
NES 092 - My Word For A Lemming
NES 093 - A Free Lemming In Every Pack
NES 094 - How Much More Can You Take
NES 095 - They Are Clean And Green
NES 097 - Is That Lemming Licensed
NES 097 - Some Heads Are Going to Roll
NES 098 - Keep Quiet At The Back
NES 099 - Do You Accept Lemmings
NES 100 - The Ultimate Lemming
SMS 001 - Just dig!
SMS 002 - Only floaters can suvive this
SMS 003 - Tailor-made for blockers
SMS 004 - Now use miners and climbers
SMS 005 - You need bashers this time
SMS 006 - A Task for blockers and bombers
SMS 007 - Builders will help you here
SMS 008 - Not as complicated as it looks
SMS 009 - As long as you try your best
SMS 010 - Smile if you love Lemmings
SMS 011 - Keep your hair on Mr. Lemming
SMS 012 - Patience
SMS 013 - We all fall down (Fun)
SMS 014 - Origins and Lemmings
SMS 015 - Don't let your eyes deceive you
SMS 016 - Don't do anything too hasty
SMS 017 - Easy when you know how
SMS 018 - Let's block and blow
SMS 019 - Take good care of my Lemmings
SMS 020 - SEGA One (Fun)
SMS 021 - You Live and Lem
SMS 022 - Go for it!
SMS 023 - I've Lost That Lemming Feeling
SMS 024 - Konbanwa Lemming-san
SMS 025 - Lemmings Lemmings Everywhere
SMS 026 - SEGA Two (Fun)
SMS 027 - Let's Be Careful Out There
SMS 028 - If Only They Could Fly
SMS 029 - Worra Lorra Lemmings
SMS 030 - Lock Up Your Lemmings
SMS 031 - This Should Be a Doddle!
SMS 032 - We All Fall Down (Tricky)
SMS 033 - A Ladder Would Be Handy
SMS 034 - Here's One I Prepared Earlier
SMS 035 - Careless Clicking Cost Lives
SMS 036 - Lemmingology
SMS 037 - Been There, Seen It, Done It
SMS 038 - Lemming Sanctuary in Sight
SMS 039 - They Just Keep On Coming
SMS 040 - Theres a Lot of Them About
SMS 041 - Lemmings in the Attic
SMS 042 - Bitter Lemming
SMS 043 - Lemming Drops
SMS 044 - Menacing!
SMS 045 - Ozone Friendly Lemmings
SMS 046 - Luvly Jubly
SMS 047 - Diet Lemmingade
SMS 048 - It's Lemmingentary Watson
SMS 049 - Postcard From Lemmingland
SMS 050 - One Way Digging to Freedom
SMS 051 - Sixes Not!
SMS 052 - Turn Around Young Lemmings
SMS 053 - From the Boundary Line
SMS 054 - Tightrope City
SMS 055 - SEGA Three (Tricky)
SMS 056 - I Have a Cunning Plan
SMS 057 - The Island of the Wicker People
SMS 058 - Lost Something?
SMS 059 - Rainbow Island
SMS 060 - The Crankshaft
SMS 061 - If at First You Don't Succeed..
SMS 062 - Watch Out, Theres Traps About
SMS 063 - Heaven Can Wait We Hope
SMS 064 - Lend a Helping Hand
SMS 065 - The Prison
SMS 066 - Compression Method
SMS 067 - Every Lemming for Himself!!!
SMS 068 - The Art Gallery
SMS 069 - Perseverance
SMS 070 - Izzie Wizzie Lemmings Get Busy
SMS 071 - The Ascending Pillar Scenario
SMS 072 - Livin' On the Edge
SMS 073 - Upside Down World
SMS 074 - Hunt the Nessy
SMS 075 - What an Awesome Level
SMS 076 - Mary Poppin's Land
SMS 077 - X Marks the Spot
SMS 078 - Tribute to MC Escher
SMS 079 - Bomboozal
SMS 080 - Walk the Web Rope
SMS 081 - SEGA Four (Taxing)
SMS 082 - Come On Over to My Place
SMS 083 - King of the Castle
SMS 084 - Take a Running Jump
SMS 085 - Follow the Leader
SMS 086 - Triple Trouble
SMS 087 - Call In the Bomb Squad
SMS 088 - Poor wee Creatures
SMS 089 - How Do I Dig Up the Way?
SMS 090 - SEGA Five (Taxing)
SMS 091 - Steel Works
SMS 092 - The Boiler Room
SMS 093 - It's Hero Time!
SMS 094 - The Crossroads
SMS 095 - Down, Along, Up. In That Order
SMS 096 - One Way or Another
SMS 097 - Poles Apart
SMS 098 - Last One Out is a Rotten Egg!
SMS 099 - SEGA One (Mayhem)
SMS 100 - Pillars of Hercules
SMS 101 - We All Fall Down (Mayhem)
SMS 102 - SEGA Two (Mayhem)
SMS 103 - SEGA Three (Mayhem)
SMS 104 - Pea Soup
SMS 105 - The Fast Food Kitchen
SMS 106 - Just a Minute
SMS 107 - Stepping Stones
SMS 108 - SEGA Four (Mayhem)
SMS 109 - Time to Get Up!
SMS 110 - No Added Colours or Lemmings
SMS 111 - With a Twist of Lemming
SMS 112 - Nearly There...
SMS 113 - Going Up....
SMS 114 - All or Nothing
SMS 115 - Have a Nice Day
SMS 116 - The Steel Mines of Kessel
SMS 117 - Just a Minute Part Two
SMS 118 - Mine the Step...
SMS 119 - SEGA Five (Mayhem)
SMS 120 - Rendezvous at the Mountains
SNES 001 - Just dig!
SNES 002 - Only floaters can survive this
SNES 003 - Tailor-made for blockers
SNES 004 - Now use miners and climbers
SNES 005 - You need bashers this time
SNES 006 - A task for blockers and bombers
SNES 007 - Builders will help you here
SNES 008 - Not as complicated as it looks
SNES 009 - As long as you try your best
SNES 010 - Smile you love lemmings
SNES 011 - Keep your hair on Mr. Lemming
SNES 012 - Patience
SNES 013 - We all fall down (Fun)
SNES 014 - Origins and Lemmings
SNES 015 - Don't let you eyes deceive you
SNES 016 - Don't do anything too hasty
SNES 017 - Easy when you know how
SNES 018 - Let's block and blow
SNES 019 - Take good care of my Lemmings
SNES 020 - We are now at LEMCON ONE
SNES 021 - You Live and Lem
SNES 022 - A Beast of a level
SNES 023 - I've lost that Lemming feeling
SNES 024 - Konbanwa Lemming san
SNES 025 - Lemmings Lemmings everywhere
SNES 026 - Nightmare on Lem street
SNES 027 - Let's be careful out there
SNES 028 - If only they could fly
SNES 029 - worra lorra lemmings
SNES 030 - Lock up your Lemmings
SNES 031 - This should be a doddle!
SNES 032 - We all fall down (Tricky)
SNES 033 - A ladder would be handy
SNES 034 - Here's one I prepared earlier
SNES 035 - Careless clicking costs lives
SNES 036 - Lemmingology
SNES 037 - Been there, seen it, done it
SNES 038 - Lemming sanctuary in sight
SNES 039 - They just keep on coming
SNES 040 - There's a lot of them about
SNES 041 - Lemmings in the attic
SNES 042 - Bitter Lemming
SNES 043 - Lemming Drops
SNES 045 - Ozone friendly Lemmings
SNES 046 - Luvly Jubly
SNES 047 - Diet Lemmingaid
SNES 048 - It's Lemmingentry Watson
SNES 049 - Postcard from Lemmingland
SNES 050 - One way digging to freedom
SNES 051 - All the 6's .........
SNES 052 - Turn aroudn young lemmings!
SNES 053 - From the Boundary Line
SNES 054 - Tightrope City
SNES 055 - Cascade
SNES 056 - I have a cunning plan
SNES 057 - The Island of the Wicker people
SNES 058 - Lost something?
SNES 059 - Rainbow Island
SNES 060 - The Crankshaft
SNES 061 - If at first you don't succeed..
SNES 062 - Watch out, there's traps about
SNES 063 - Heaven can wait (we hope!!!!)
SNES 064 - Lend a helping hand....
SNES 065 - The Prison!
SNES 066 - Compression Method 1
SNES 067 - Every Lemming for himself!!!
SNES 068 - The Art Gallery
SNES 069 - Perseverance
SNES 070 - Izzie Wizzie lemmings get busy
SNES 071 - The ascending pillar scenario
SNES 072 - Livin' On The Edge
SNES 073 - Upsidedown World
SNES 074 - Hunt the Nessy....
SNES 075 - What an AWESOME level
SNES 076 - Mary Poppins' land
SNES 077 - X marks the spot
SNES 078 - Tribute to M.C.Escher
SNES 079 - Bomboozal
SNES 080 - Walk the web rope
SNES 081 - Feel the heat!
SNES 082 - Come on over to my place
SNES 083 - King of the castle
SNES 084 - Take a running jump.....
SNES 085 - Follow the leader...
SNES 086 - Triple Trouble
SNES 087 - Call in the bomb squad
SNES 089 - How do I dig up the way?
SNES 090 - We all fall down (Taxing)
SNES 091 - Steel Works
SNES 092 - The Boiler Room
SNES 093 - It's hero time!
SNES 094 - The Crossroads
SNES 095 - Down, along, up. In that order
SNES 096 - One way or another
SNES 097 - Poles Apart
SNES 098 - Last one out is a rotten egg!
SNES 099 - Curse of the Pharaohs
SNES 100 - Pillars of Hercules
SNES 101 - We all fall down (Mayhem)
SNES 102 - The Far Side
SNES 103 - The Great Lemming Caper
SNES 104 - Pea Soup
SNES 105 - The Fast Food Kitchen...
SNES 106 - Just a Minute...
SNES 107 - Stepping Stones
SNES 108 - And then there were four....
SNES 109 - Time to get up!
SNES 110 - No added colours or Lemmings
SNES 111 - With a twist of lemming please
SNES 112 - A BeastII of a level
SNES 113 - Going up.......
SNES 114 - All or Nothing
SNES 115 - Have a nice day!
SNES 116 - The Steel Mines of Kessel
SNES 117 - Just a Minute (Part Two)
SNES 118 - Mind the step.....
SNES 119 - Save Me
SNES 120 - Rendezvous at the Mountain
Win95 001 - Just dig!
Win95 002 - Only floaters can survive this
Win95 003 - Tailor-made for blockers
Win95 004 - Now use miners and climbers
Win95 005 - You need bashers this time
Win95 006 - A task for blockers and bombers
Win95 007 - Builders will help you here
Win95 008 - Not as complicated as it looks
Win95 009 - As long as you try your best
Win95 010 - Smile if you love lemmings
Win95 011 - Keep your hair on Mr. Lemming
Win95 012 - Patience
Win95 013 - Origins and Lemmings
Win95 014 - Don't let your eyes deceive you
Win95 015 - Don't do anything too hasty
Win95 016 - Easy when you know how
Win95 017 - Let's block and blow
Win95 018 - Take good care of my Lemmings
Win95 019 - We are now at LEMCON ONE
Win95 020 - You Live and Lem
Win95 021 - I've lost that Lemming feeling
Win95 022 - Konbanwa Lemming san
Win95 023 - Lemmings Lemmings everywhere
Win95 024 - Nightmare on Lem Street
Win95 025 - Let's be careful out there
Win95 026 - If only they could fly
Win95 027 - worra lorra lemmings
Win95 028 - Lock up your Lemmings
Win95 029 - This should be a doddle!
Win95 030 - We all fall down (Tricky)
Win95 031 - A ladder would be handy
Win95 032 - Here's one I prepared earlier
Win95 033 - Careless clicking costs lives
Win95 034 - Lemmingology
Win95 035 - Been there, seen it, done it
Win95 036 - Lemming sanctuary in sight
Win95 037 - They just keep on coming
Win95 038 - There's a lot of them about
Win95 039 - Lemmings in the attic
Win95 040 - Bitter Lemming
Win95 041 - Lemming Drops
Win95 042 - Ozone friendly Lemmings
Win95 043 - Luvly Jubly
Win95 044 - Diet Lemmingaid
Win95 045 - It's Lemmingentry Watson
Win95 046 - Postcard from lemmingland
Win95 047 - One way digging to freedom
Win95 048 - Turn around young lemmings!
Win95 049 - From The Boundary Line
Win95 050 - Tightrope City
Win95 051 - Cascade
Win95 052 - I have a cunning plan
Win95 053 - The Island of the Wicker people
Win95 054 - Lost something?
Win95 055 - Rainbow Island
Win95 056 - The Crankshaft
Win95 057 - If at first you don't succeed...
Win95 058 - Watch out, there's traps about
Win95 059 - Heaven can wait (we hope!!!!)
Win95 060 - Lend a helping hand....
Win95 061 - The Prison!
Win95 062 - Compression Method 1
Win95 063 - Every Lemming for himself!!!
Win95 064 - The Art Gallery
Win95 065 - Perseverance
Win95 066 - Izzie Wizzie lemmings get busy
Win95 067 - The ascending pillar scenario
Win95 068 - Livin' On The Edge
Win95 069 - Upsidedown World
Win95 070 - Hunt the Nessy....
Win95 071 - Mary Poppins' land
Win95 072 - X marks the spot
Win95 073 - Tribute to M.C. Escher
Win95 074 - Bomboozal
Win95 075 - Walk the wep rope
Win95 076 - Feel the heat!
Win95 077 - Come on over to my place
Win95 078 - King of the castle
Win95 079 - Take a running jump.....
Win95 080 - Follow the leader...
Win95 081 - Triple Trouble
Win95 082 - Call in the bomb squad
Win95 084 - How do I dig up the way?
Win95 085 - We all fall down (Taxing)
Win95 086 - Steel Works
Win95 087 - The Boiler Room
Win95 088 - It's hero time!
Win95 089 - The Crossroads
Win95 090 - Down, along, up. In that order
Win95 091 - One way or another
Win95 092 - Poles Apart
Win95 093 - Last one out is a rotten egg
Win95 094 - Curse of the Pharaoh
Win95 095 - Pillars of Hercules
Win95 096 - We all fall down (Mayhem)
Win95 097 - The Far Side
Win95 098 - The Great Lemming
Win95 099 - Pea Soup
Win95 100 - The Fast Food Kitchen
Win95 101 - Just a Minute...
Win95 102 - Stepping Stones
Win95 103 - And then there were four...
Win95 104 - Time to get up!
Win95 105 - No added colours or Lemmings
Win95 106 - With a twist of lemming
Win95 107 - Going up.......
Win95 108 - All or Nothing
Win95 109 - Have a nice day!
Win95 110 - The Steel Mines of Kessel
Win95 111 - Just a Minute (Part Two)
Win95 112 - Mind the step.....
Win95 113 - Save Me
Win95 114 - Rendezvous at the Mountain
ZS/CPC 001 - Just Dig!
ZS/CPC 002 - Only Floaters Can Survive This
ZS/CPC 003 - Tailor-Made For Blockers
ZS/CPC 004 - Now Use Miners And Climbers
ZS/CPC 005 - You Need Bashers This Time
ZS/CPC 006 - A Task For Blockers And Bombers
ZS/CPC 007 - Builders Will Help You Here
ZS/CPC 008 - Smile If You Love Lemmings
ZS/CPC 009 - Patience
ZS/CPC 010 - We All Fall Down (Fun)
ZS/CPC 011 - Origins And Lemmings
ZS/CPC 012 - Don't Let Your Eyes Deceive You
ZS/CPC 013 - You Live And Lem
ZS/CPC 014 - I've Lost That Lemming Feeling
ZS/CPC 015 - Don't Do Anything Too Hasty
ZS/CPC 016 - Lemmings Lemmings Everywhere
ZS/CPC 017 - Let's Be Careful Out There
ZS/CPC 018 - This Should Be A Doodle!
ZS/CPC 019 - We All Fall Down (Tricky)
ZS/CPC 020 - A Ladder Would Be Handy
ZS/CPC 021 - Diet Lemmingaid
ZS/CPC 022 - Inside Out World
ZS/CPC 023 - Timing is Critical
ZS/CPC 024 - Ozone Friendly Lemmings
ZS/CPC 025 - Lost Something?
ZS/CPC 026 - Reflex Actions
ZS/CPC 027 - Postcard From Lemmingland
ZS/CPC 028 - Luvly Jubly
ZS/CPC 029 - Lemming Sanctuary In Sight
ZS/CPC 030 - It's Lemmingentry Watson
ZS/CPC 031 - From The Boundary Line
ZS/CPC 032 - The Crankshaft
ZS/CPC 033 - Cascade
ZS/CPC 034 - Tightrope City
ZS/CPC 035 - Perserverance
ZS/CPC 036 - If At First You Don't Succeed..
ZS/CPC 037 - A Memory Test?
ZS/CPC 038 - King Of The Castle
ZS/CPC 039 - How Do I Dig Up The Way?
ZS/CPC 040 - The Prison
ZS/CPC 041 - Mary Poppins' Land
ZS/CPC 042 - X Marks The Spot
ZS/CPC 043 - It's a Race Against Time
ZS/CPC 044 - Come On Over To My Place
ZS/CPC 045 - Upside Down World
ZS/CPC 046 - Lend A Helping Hand
ZS/CPC 047 - Poor Wee Creatures
ZS/CPC 048 - Speed Trap
ZS/CPC 049 - Is This A Doddle?
ZS/CPC 049 - Is This a Doddle?
ZS/CPC 050 - No Added Colours Or Lemmings
ZS/CPC 051 - Stepping Stones
ZS/CPC 052 - Heaven Can Wait (We Hope!!!!)
ZS/CPC 053 - Dig For Victory
ZS/CPC 054 - Take Good Care Of My Lemmings
ZS/CPC 055 - The Boiler Room
ZS/CPC 056 - Jon's Mayhem Level
ZS/CPC 057 - With A Twist Of Lemming Please
ZS/CPC 058 - Sleepless Nights
ZS/CPC 059 - Pride Comes Before...
ZS/CPC 060 - Environmentally Friendly
C64 001 - Just Dig!
C64 002 - Only floaters can survive this
C64 003 - Tailor Made for Blockers
C64 004 - Now Use Miners and Climbers
C64 005 - You need bashers this time
C64 006 - A job for Blockers and Bombers
C64 007 - Builders will help you here
C64 008 - Not as complicated as it looks
C64 009 - As long as try your best
C64 010 - Smile if you love lemmings
C64 011 - Keep your hair on Mr. Lemming
C64 012 - Patience
C64 013 - We all fall down
C64 014 - Origins and Lemmings
C64 015 - Don't let your eyes deceive ya
C64 016 - Don't do anything too hasty
Amiga 001 - Just dig!
Amiga 002 - Only floaters can survive this
Amiga 003 - Tailor-made for blockers
Amiga 004 - Now use miners and climbers
Amiga 005 - You need bashers this time
Amiga 006 - A task for blockers and bombers
Amiga 007 - Builders will help you here
Amiga 008 - Not as complicated as it looks
Amiga 009 - As long as you try your best
Amiga 010 - Smile if you love lemmings
Amiga 011 - Keep your hair on Mr. Lemming
Amiga 012 - Patience
Amiga 013 - We all fall down (Fun)
Amiga 014 - Origins and Lemmings
Amiga 015 - Don't let your eyes deceive you
Amiga 016 - Don't do anything too hasty
Amiga 017 - Easy when you know how
Amiga 018 - Let's block and blow
Amiga 019 - Take good care of my Lemmings
Amiga 020 - We are now at LEMCON ONE
Amiga 021 - You Live and Lem
Amiga 022 - A Beast of a level
Amiga 023 - I've lost that Lemming feeling
Amiga 024 - Konbanwa Lemming san
Amiga 025 - Lemmings Lemmings everywhere
Amiga 026 - Nightmare on Lem street
Amiga 027 - Let's be careful out there
Amiga 028 - If only they could fly
Amiga 029 - worra lorra lemmings
Amiga 030 - Lock up your Lemmings
Amiga 031 - This should be a doddle!
Amiga 032 - We all fall down (Tricky)
Amiga 033 - A ladder would be handy
Amiga 034 - Here's one I prepared earlier
Amiga 035 - Careless clicking costs lives
Amiga 036 - Lemmingology
Amiga 037 - Been there, seen it, done it/The ascending pillar
Amiga 038 - Lemming sanctuary in sight
Amiga 039 - They just keep on coming
Amiga 040 - There's a lot of them about
Amiga 041 - Lemmings in the attic
Amiga 042 - Bitter Lemming
Amiga 043 - Lemming Drops
Amiga 044 - MENACING !!
Amiga 045 - Ozone friendly Lemmings
Amiga 046 - Luvly Jubly/Lovely jubilee
Amiga 047 - Diet Lemmingaid
Amiga 048 - It's Lemmingentry Watson
Amiga 049 - Postcard from Lemmingland
Amiga 050 - One way digging to freedom
Amiga 050 - All the 6's ........
Amiga 052 - Turn around young lemmings!
Amiga 053 - From The Boundary Line
Amiga 054 - Tightrope City
Amiga 055 - Cascade
Amiga 056 - I have a cunning plan
Amiga 057 - The Island of the Wicker people
Amiga 058 - Lost something?
Amiga 059 - Rainbow Island
Amiga 060 - The Crankshaft
Amiga 061 - If at first you don't succeed..
Amiga 062 - Watch out, there's traps about
Amiga 063 - Heaven can wait (we hope!!!!)
Amiga 064 - Lend a helping hand....
Amiga 065 - The Prison!
Amiga 066 - Compression Method 1
Amiga 067 - Every Lemming for himself!!!
Amiga 068 - The Art Gallery
Amiga 069 - Perseverance
Amiga 070 - Izzie Wizzie lemmings get busy
Amiga 071 - The ascending pillar scenario
Amiga 072 - Livin' On The Edge
Amiga 073 - Upsidedown World
Amiga 074 - Hunt the Nessy....
Amiga 075 - What an AWESOME level
Amiga 076 - Mary Poppins' land
Amiga 077 - X marks the spot
Amiga 078 - Tribute to M.C.Escher
Amiga 079 - Bomboozal
Amiga 080 - Walk the web rope
Amiga 081 - Feel the heat!
Amiga 082 - Come on over to my place
Amiga 083 - King of the castle
Amiga 084 - Take a running jump.....
Amiga 085 - Follow the leader...
Amiga 086 - Triple Trouble
Amiga 087 - Call in the bomb squad
Amiga 089 - How do I dig up the way?
Amiga 090 - We all fall down (Taxing)
Amiga 091 - Steel Works
Amiga 092 - The Boiler Room
Amiga 093 - It's hero time!
Amiga 094 - The Crossroads
Amiga 095 - Down, along, up. In that order
Amiga 096 - One way or another
Amiga 097 - Poles Apart
Amiga 098 - Last one out is a rotten egg!
Amiga 099 - Curse of the Pharaohs
Amiga 100 - Pillars of Hercules
Amiga 101 - We all fall down (Mayhem)
Amiga 102 - The Far Side/The Other Side
Amiga 103 - The Great Lemming Caper
Amiga 104 - Pea Soup
Amiga 105 - The Fast Food Kitchen...
Amiga 106 - Just a Minute...
Amiga 107 - Stepping Stones
Amiga 108 - And then there were four....
Amiga 109 - Time to get up!
Amiga 110 - No added colours or Lemmings
Amiga 111 - With a twist of lemming please
Amiga 112 - A BeastII of a level
Amiga 113 - Going up.......
Amiga 114 - All or Nothing
Amiga 115 - Have a nice day!
Amiga 116 - The Steel Mines of Kessel
Amiga 117 - Just a Minute (Part Two)
Amiga 118 - Mind the step.....
Amiga 119 - Save Me
Amiga 120 - Rendezvous at the Mountain
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