Postad 3 months ago av


The Objectively Better Update is now live! Thanks again to everyone who playtested the beta branch these last few weeks.

This update has a bunch of new additions, changes, and bug fixes - here’s the TLDR:

New Pardner Objectives:

Pardners now have 7 unique objectives available (with a few reworked objectives too!). These get chosen at random at the start of the game, with Fueling The Train being the only consistent one. The number of objectives and which ones can be chosen can be set in the match settings in lobby.

16 Player Lobbies:

The lobby cap has been doubled from 8 players to 16. Great for streamers or larger gaming communities! (Our playtests in the official Wormtown discord ( were pure chaos!)

Wormtown Goes International:

Wormtown has now been translated in 9 languages! Simplified Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, and Latin American Spanish. You can swap your language at any time from the main menu.

New Scoring System:

With all of the new gameplay additions, the scoring has now been simplified. Gain points for completing objectives, reviving Pardners, damaging the Worm etc. - on the Worm side of things, you’ll gain points for damaging and eating Pardners and props. And we finally have Worm stats that appear at the end of the round, too!

The Town Well:

Is the map running low on fuel items? Head to the Town Well and fish out a fuel item from it. This new mechanic is a way to always ensure there’s enough fuel on the map to complete the objective - especially in those new 16 player lobbies!

Revamped Pardner Tutorial:

The old Pardner tutorial was very outdated and difficult to add additional content to - so it's been remade with cutesy video tutorials!

Terrain Updates:

Additional smoothing passes have been added to the terrain during map generation. This not only makes it look and play much better, it also means those annoying sand berms around the train are finally fixed!

Host Moderation Changes:

Everyone can now see all connected players from the pause menu. This also allows Hosts to kick players during a match if they ain’t behavin’.

Additional Balance Changes:

  • Cactus Seed Pouch uses increased to 7 (was 5)
  • Snake Oil random health gain rescaled to 2-8 (was 1-10)
  • Magma Trail damage increased to 6 per second (was 3)
  • Lowered minigame inputs required to escape Sandtraps to 8 (was 12)
  • Increased zipline acceleration
  • Escape minigame changes for better readability

And lots of bug fixes! If you’re curious about any of them in detail, you can check out the Patch Notes channel in the Discord ( Enjoy! & Stay safe out there, Pardners!

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Postad 6 months ago av

Howdy and Happy Holidays!

The Winter Wonderworm update is now live!


  • A new holiday Map Theme!
  • A handful of new festive cosmetics for both the Pardners and the Worm to get into the holiday spirit! (note: As with the Halloworm event, all of the new cosmetics are unlocked for everyone - including the Friend's Pass for the duration of the event.)

Misc. Changes:

  • Added a backer image to the mini game arrows for easier readability.

I wanted to express my heartfelt thanks for all of the support for Wormtown this year. I saw countless Wormtown nominations and reviews from the Steam Awards and I can't express my gratitude enough! It's been a wild year for Wormtown, and I'm excited to continue supporting the game with new content and features in 2024!

Have a happy and safe holiday season, everyone!

  • Vyv
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Postad 8 months ago av

Howdy, Pardners!

The Halloworm event is now live in Wormtown!

This update features:- Worm Customization!

  • New Hats! (wearable on both Pardners and Worm)
  • Pardners can now wear two hats at once!
  • A spooky map theme!

To celebrate Halloworm, for the duration of the event, all hats and Worm cosmetics are available for everyone - including the Friend's Pass players.

So get your pals together, dress up, and take the Last Train Outta' Wormtown.

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Postad 9 months ago av

The Art of Worm Update is here!

After a couple months of playtesting, bug fixing, and balancing on the public beta, the Art of Worm update is finally here!

This massive update includes:

  • 8 New Worm Abilities
  • 10 Special Use Pardner Items (called Kit!)
  • A new building type
  • 3 New music tracks for the end game screens
  • Pardner Cosmetic save slots (and cloud saves!)
  • Accessibility options, QOL/Balance changes, and tons of bug fixes. (Including camera fixes!)

If you want the full breakdown of everything that's changed, check out the previous Steam announcements for the Public Beta Branch, as copying all of those patch notes here would be a bit overwhelming to read!

Additionally, there's now a "Guidebook" accessible in the "How to Play" and "Pause" menu which gives details on all of the mechanics, items, and abilities in the game. It's a great place to learn about the game, whether you're a new-comer or a veteran Wormtowner.

Thanks again to everyone who's been testing the public beta, your feedback has been invaluable!

We've got a fantastic Discord community that is growing by the day, so if you haven't stopped by - come say Howdy!

Stay safe out there, Pardner!

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Senaste nyheterna
Major Update: The Objectively Better Update


The Objectively Better Update is now live! Thanks again to everyone who playtested the beta branch these last few weeks.

This update has a bunch of new additions, changes, and bug fixes - here’s the TLDR:

Pardners now have

3 months ago
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Postad 4 months ago