Questions about solo
3 years ago
New Jersey, USA

rskiller is cringe

Redigerad av författaren 1 year ago
HoonGoons tycker om detta
Tennessee, USA

Hi, out of the mod team, I'm the one who's tinkered the most out of the 4.

Solo is not really the strong suit for speedrunning this game, I agree with. Friendly fire is nonexistent even on expert, which just makes that an absolute chore to deal with. A molotov is the only way to properly kill them in the safe room, but even then getting yourself out alive and making sure they're all down is a nightmare.

The default difficulty is normal. We've experimented with using z_difficulty before and while it does work, again it's only just damage increased. We did use the base of L4D2's rules though for what's banned and what's not when it comes to console commands, if it, y'know, wasn't obvious. Votes do work though, which originally we didn't think that was the case. For co-op, since the loading is so long you're kicked and only the host progresses, which makes the map command better, but for solo we can use that if we did the Carnival strat. Funny thing about the difficulty stuff, in v1.26 (the version we played on), only Easy and Normal are available, along with only having Dead Center and Dark Carnival as the 2 campaigns to play. This is why the Offline Campaigns category exists. However, on a newer version that is dumped, v1.30, the menu is overhauled and everything is available; all campaigns, all difficulties, etc. I'm the only one who has messed around with that version, none of us have done anything run wise with it yet, but it eliminates one of our category ideas we had that would just be pre-v1.30 exclusive. There's nothing against votes though, it's not stated in the rules so anything could be fair game, but I think it should be allowed. Purism though, I am an advocate for, but for this game I don't think it entirely matters.

Getting sent to the main menu does not invalidate your run, you can simply map command back to where you were prior. This happened in the All Campaigns run 4 times, 3 due to deaths and 1 due to a crash. If I remember correctly, I think you can select individual maps in the campaign selector, so for real hardware arcade runs it wouldn't be tooooo much of an issue, but I cannot test right now due to a hard drive failure which had my game on it.

I entirely get your concerns. I apologize if this was a mess to read, but hopefully my point comes across. If you care, hit me up on discord (Hoon#5816) and I can discuss more if you would like. I'm also in the L4D server if you need easier access to simply DM rather than friend request. Have a nice day.

Redigerad av författaren 3 years ago
aciidz tycker om detta
New Jersey, USA

Hey, thanks for the detailed reply. I saw this a few days ago but just didn't want to use my brain to write a reply (lol).

When I was writing my original post I wanted to ask about the versions, but totally forgot. If you could DM me a link on Discord to the version 1.30, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise you answered/explained everything else, so yeah. Thanks

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Rule Changes as of February 1st, 2022

After discussion among the mods, we've reached an agreement to make a couple of rule changes to the boards. These changes will go into effect at the posting of this news post, so please pay attention to the changes below.

  • The callvote command will be banned in all categories from now on
3 years ago
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