I love the game, and was trying to think of a way to remove at least some of the dependence on the RNG finding of maps to help spur more interest.
Progression% would incorporate 100% with the caveat that all contracts must be completed before moving on to the next map. No more rushing to get Archmages and/or Dragons to beat all the castles and find all the artifacts -- actual siege battles with carefully constructed forces from the continent you're on (or from the previous).
Let me know what you think.
I see what you're aiming for here. I think the idea might be pretty cool.
I say go for it. If you get a run, let me know and we can look at it from there.
I have added it as a category in case anyone would like to attempt it.
Also, Relic% is added under a Misc. Category.
I also took a quick look at running Progression%. This mode is quite a challenge. Here is what I discovered so far:
- If you don't have a town in the first continent that has Raise Control, you're in for a bad time.
- Building up money at the beginning by dumping your army and waiting for week's end seems to be the easiest way for money.
- 4-5 Raise Controls used before buying an army: Archers, Militia, and Pikemen will be enough to get you through continent 1, afterwards you will want to dump Militia for Knights.
- You will lose control at week's end no matter what. Just go back and buy more Raise Controls and use them before your siege.
- Canegor is a pain and Ghosts are very dangerous.
- If you lose you can always regroup and attack again. The enemy's army will be as you left it. If Ghosts are at a high number, you're better off just resetting.
Once I get further, I'll give more details.