Grassy knoll %
6 years ago
New Jersey, USA

This game could definitely use more categories, like a grassy knoll% or a Speaker of the House% where you have to kill JFK and LBJ

New Jersey, USA

There’s a modded 000.wad that was bundled with my version of the game that allows you to start the game from the grassy knoll, obviously making for a more difficult shot as you have to shoot across dealy plaza. You just have to replace 000.wad with the modded file and the starting position is changed, perhaps it could be hosted in the resources page, as it doesn’t work unless you actually own the game anyway. SpeakerOftheHouse% would just be a fun way to make a more difficult category than normal, as LBJ rides two-three cars behind. The game is so open ended as a sandbox that there’s lots of different challenges that could be ran.

buckethead222 tycker om detta
New Jersey, USA

There’s not much else to do with this game in the current category, adding different categories could provide different ways to expand run beyond the current run which is very close to perfectly optimized

buckethead222 tycker om detta
New Jersey, USA

I do think this game could use new categories, and maybe more clarification on timing. I think I have noticed a lot of inaccuracies on timing(s) of the WR and several runs, but I will hopefull get more information on that soon enough. It seems people aren't starting on the first frame of the fade in.

New Jersey, USA

I sent you a private twitch whisper : )


What about a category where you have to shoot the hat of Jackie without killing her? And/Or the hats of all the police officers.


Is there any new information on everything discussed in this thread? There's some interesting stuff discussed but nothing's appeared to have changed since.


The only person that can change anything to the page is @Derpeth. I understand that he could miss all these messages, as I also only see this when I'm on this website. Or someone else has to be promoted to mod.


We could do a voting to add someone as a mod to this game. I am up for retiming everything and adding new categories, but I'm sure there are other people that could do the same. Anyone else interested in being a mod for this game?


Personally, I'd prefer that we could work things out with Derpeth. However I will mention that I asked Derpeth once every few weeks on other platforms if any of the mentioned changes were going to happen and I never got a reply. The only thing I've heard is related to retiming runs and even that was over a month ago now. If anyone else is willing to ask him on other platforms if he intends to institute any changes, I'd recommend it. If that doesn't create any meaningful information or changes, the site does have a thread for last resort situations where moderator roles can be given by site staff.

That all being said, this is a meme game and I believe currently this is the most traffic the game has seen in that context. It doesn't surprise me that something like this would be a lower priority but it is a bit of a shame given that there are interesting ideas and potential that's being squandered. At the very least I wanna know what's taking so long. Hopefully we can come out of this with a better mod staff.

AntBlueR tycker om detta

In that case, I'll make a post in the thread I mentioned and try to implement the changes we've discussed.

AntBlueR tycker om detta

Too bad it had to go this way, but good working on your side @Dweather.


Dweather seems like a good fit and you guys all seem to agree here, so I added him.

madnessHank tycker om detta
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