Postad 1 year ago av

Hey there, fellow speedrunners,

I hope you're all doing well. Today, I wanted to have a personal chat with you all. It's not an easy decision, but after some soul-searching, I've decided to step away from the It-Steals Speedrunning Community.

Being part of this community has been an incredible journey, filled with unforgettable experiences and some truly fantastic people. I've watched this community grow and flourish, and I'm proud to have been a part of it. But lately, I've found myself losing motivation and realizing that there are more important things in life that demand my attention. My family and I are getting ready to move, and there are a lot of exciting new opportunities on the horizon.

Before I go, I want to take a moment to recognize someone who has played a significant role in making this community what it is today. That someone is 'profuzzyy.' Their dedication, passion, and tireless efforts have been instrumental in our community's growth and success. Profuzzyy, your contributions have been nothing short of amazing, and I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for everything you've done.

I also want to extend a heartfelt apology to 'profuzzyy.' I had big plans for a video release that I was genuinely excited about. Unfortunately, due to the lack of motivation and the increasing demands on my time, I regret to inform you that it's highly unlikely the video will see the light of day. I'm deeply saddened by this, as I know how much effort and enthusiasm you've put into our community. Your support and understanding mean the world to me, and I'm truly sorry that I won't be able to deliver on this promise.

Now, let's talk about the future of the moderation team. It's crucial to ensure that this community continues to thrive, and I don't want anyone to have to wait too long for their runs to be accepted on the It Steals leaderboards. Since I won't be able to check in regularly anymore, we're looking for one, maybe two new moderators to join the team.

If you're interested in taking on this responsibility and helping to maintain the high standards of the It-Steals Speedrunning Community, please reach out to 'YoBro#8868' on Discord. Your passion and dedication could be just what the community needs to keep moving forward.

I want to thank each and every one of you for the incredible memories and support you've provided throughout my time here. It's been a true pleasure to be part of this community, and I'll treasure the moments we've shared.

As I bid you farewell, I wish you all the best of luck with your future speedrunning endeavors. Keep pushing the boundaries, breaking records, and enjoying every moment of your gaming journey.

Warm regards,

MabOnSpeed (Marc) - Discord: mab_sk

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Postad 1 year ago av

Hello fellow speedrunners,

As the moderation team of the 'It Steals' speedrunning forum, we are excited to share with you the new ruleset that has been added for the game. These rules are designed to maintain a fair and competitive environment for all participants, ensuring the integrity of speedrunning competitions.

The new rules cover various aspects, including prohibiting cheating through exploiting game files or memory to gain unfair advantages, providing guidelines for fair and limited usage of macros, requiring in-game audio as evidence of genuine speedruns, ensuring consistent frame rates for accurate timing, requiring video proof of full level coverage, and providing essential guidelines for retiming speedruns.

We would like to emphasize that these rules have been implemented after careful consideration and are aimed at upholding the integrity and competitiveness of speedrunning in the 'It Steals' community. Please note that any runs submitted prior to the addition of these rules on [16/04/2023] will not be subject to these new guidelines, as they have already been reviewed.

We want to thank everyone for their recent speedrunning activity and dedication to the game. We hope to see more exciting runs in the future and encourage all runners to familiarize themselves with the new rules to ensure fair and transparent competition.

Good luck to all runners, and happy running!

Best, The It Steals Speedrunning Forum Moderation Team

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Postad 2 years ago av

Hello, patch 12.4 has been pushed out by Zeekeerrs for It Steals.

  • Major performance enhancements; the game should run on toasters at this point. (Note: As a result of this patch, the amount of orbs you have is no longer displayed in the radar.)

  • Reduced the intensity of the pixilation filter.

  • Slightly reduced head-bob effect and screen shake for some players with motion sickness.

  • Changed a couple of hints in Living Halls in an attempt to help some people out.

Official patch notes here:

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[THANK YOU] A Farewell and a Look to the Future..

Hey there, fellow speedrunners,

I hope you're all doing well. Today, I wanted to have a personal chat with you all. It's not an easy decision, but after some soul-searching, I've decided to step away from the It-Steals Speedrunning Community.

Being part of this community has been an incredible j

1 year ago
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