50 Killstreak no mystics Reach a 400 Uberstreak (hardest killstreak in the game) Finish the kings quest (starts upon activating the quest) Reach tier 7 on the angel/demon tree on Genesis
Any of these categorys will be added if you do a run on it yourself (yourself!!! not anyone)
Edit: Except for no mystics bc there is not even a 50 killstreak run with mystics yet
I already considered Kings Quest and Prestige, but kings quest takes extremely long and prestige 1 you can only do once or need to buy a new minecraft account. 400 streak and tier 7 also takes extremely long, but I will add it if a run is done.
maybe add death to self? bc what we have rn is death 2 player (as in anything that is not a death to player, a /oof or a /l)
hey I dont have youtube but I have twitch I can record it and show the uncut vid and upload it but it not be on youtube is that aloud and the uncut video will be permanent
If you mean to have the run streamed onto twitch and then submit the uncut video, you can but you'll need to highlight the video otherwise the original VOD will be deleted after 14 days while highlights don't and you can just trim the video while highlighting it anyways. This is true for 99.9% of games