The Millisecond Problem (and runs being re-verified)
4 years ago
Florida, USA

When you are submitting your runs, and you use a timer with the 0:00.00 format, do NOT put 2 digits in the milliseconds slot. There has to be a 3 digit number in that slot. When you submit your runs, put a 0 after the 2 first digits. One more thing: if you're also checking here because your run was suddenly verified again, this is why; your time had been corrected.

nsla, Jaro024, och CreatorCreepy gillar detta
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Brand new category: Dwarven Mines%

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  • After making the category suggestion in the discord channel for feedback, it seemed like the most of you thought this new category could be interesting so we've decided to add it! bringing you all the brand new category!

  • Dwarven Mines%

  • Ironman DM% (SUBCATEGORY)

  • Dwarven Min

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