Timing Change Proposal
1 year ago
United States

Current rules state: Win a game of one on one against the computer. Can choose any character. Timer starts when selection possession type. Timer stops AFTER victory music.

This is nearly impossible to tell when frame counting. Proposal to change the timing rules to the following:

Start - first frame that the court/basket fully appear after pressing selecting possession type. End - First frame that "your player" won appears after winning the game.

Also, should put milliseconds in this game.




No way, I was just thinking about posting this, this morning. I'm about to head to work, so it may be a week or two before fully implemented, but yes, I agree the audio que for timing needs to be changed to a visual one. I was noticing Ratron hasn't been around in 4 years now (side now.. wow)

I'll let others chime in as well, but barring any dissent, I'll double checking these reference points to familiar with myself with the exact visuals, and start looking at adding the process of retiming all the runs accordingly to the list of things to do!

United States

I'll gladly help re-time runs. Just give the go-ahead.

Yeah Rantron has been MIA for a while. I believe he's been removed from a lot of other boards.

NihilistComedyHour tycker om detta

Hope he is good, he is always a real one.

But yeah, I'll give chance for any other input.

It does appear the beginning selection once started, there should be a pink screen, than blank blue, and then finally the court appears for what appears to be 2-4 frames, and then the two players appear. I imagine technically control doesn't happen until the players appear, but, I don't really know, and the court appearing first does appear to be a single frame transition and definitely useable

And on the ending marker proposed, it does take a few frames to transition into the end screen, including a couple frames "Won" before the player name appears "Player Won". Alternative proposal. When the player makes their 10th goal, winning the game, the tally marker updates with the 10th strike (2nd horizontal line on the count). This transition happens in a single visual frame, and coincides when the runner has won and lost control. It also cuts a few counts of down time off as well.

And naturally, imo, we should implement a millisecond rule for runs faster than a set time, like 1:19, since the game is definitely optimized at this point enough to matter. Naturally though, not every slow run needs that much moderation attention for millisecond timing unless needed.


Redigerad av författaren 1 year ago
lackattack tycker om detta

Went ahead and updated the rules, retimed the 4 fastest runs according, and posted the above video for comparison and analysis. I'll slowly retimed the others as I get a chance.

lackattack tycker om detta
United States

Yeah agree with your summary above. Sounds good to me! Thanks for making it a lot easier to time lol

NihilistComedyHour tycker om detta

Good deal. 3 frames is wicked tight! But at least we know what we aiming for for now exactly. I'll slowly update past runs in accordance with the rules!