All Quests coin route (Console)
All Quests coin route (Console)
Uppdaterad 5 years ago av chrixiam1998

Because there are several chests you need to open in All Quests, the fastest route involves buying a few keys. There are a total of 8 chests we need to open: -2 in An Unexpected Party (these contain the sugar and spice) -1 in Riddles in the Dark (this contains the Wart-Stone) -1 in Flies and Spiders (this contains the oil needed to burn the web) -4 in A Warm Welcome (one contains Malloc's dagger, the others contain bottles needed to open a door)

Of these chests, 6 of them gain benefit from using keys. The first 2 (in An Unexpected Party) can't be opened with keys, as keys can't be bought before An Unexpected Party.

There are also several free-to-pick-up keys in the game: -1 in Roast Mutton, hidden in a cove near the first floodgate -1 in Riddles in the Dark, in one of the rooms where Balfor is saved -1 in A Warm Welcome, near the start of the thief quest

Because the thief quest is essentially an auto-scroller, picking up this key loses no time to the normal route. We won't be picking up the keys in Roast Mutton or in Riddles in the Dark, as these lose too much time to simply collecting coins.

Each key bought from the vendor costs 80 coins. Because we need to buy 5 keys, we'll need to pick up 400 coins in total. This coin route has been routed and re-routed to death, and is probably as optimal as the coin route is going to get for a while.

Dream World: Because there are no coins in this stage, we'll be exiting with 0.

An Unexpected Party (25): -2 coins in the mill while talking to the first child -2 coins on the way up to Carl, and one more on the way down -10 coins behind a house on the way to the berry patch -1 coin on a haystack next to the second child, right before the clipwarp -5 coins in the shed behind the butter churn -1 coin between Gammer (needle lady) and Hanna (butter churn lady) -1 coin, either on the haystacks entering the apple orchard, or behind the third child if using the gate unload -2 coins in the apple orchard (one can be grabbed on the way to the apples from the fourth child)

Roast Mutton (25) (50 total): -25 coins in a bag immediately after 2nd floodgate (grab while waiting for water to rise, no timeloss)

Troll-Hole (50-60) (100-110 total) -10 coins in breakable pod immediately after slimewall boost* -50 coins in chest in tunnel on the way to the key

*if the slope-boost isn't done, 10 coins can instead be grabbed in following stage with no timeloss

Over Hill and Under Hill (175-185) (275-285 total) -25 coins in breakable pod immediately after TYSG pillar -10 coins in chest on ledge, immediately after rope following TYSG pillar -15 coins in chest immediately entering first gear room (room with the imps) -25 coins in chest next to last gear -10 coins in chest to in 1st machine room (collect as alternative for TH coins, or as backup for missed coins)* -45 coins collectively in chests next to gears for 2nd machine -10 coins in chest across from 2nd machine, right next to the door -15 coins in chest next to gear for 3rd machine, inside door opened with switch -30 coins in tunnel on way to exit

After Over Hill and Under Hill, buy 3 keys. You only need one, but buying 3 means you won't have to buy more until after Barrels Out of Bond. Exit the vendor with 45 coins remaining.

Riddles in the Dark (35) (80 total): -10 in breakable box on the way up to explosive barrel -20 in chest next to first lift (these don't lose time as long as the first lift cycle is still caught) -5 in breakable box at the end of the 2nd lift (can throw a rock to hit this, no timeloss)

1 key is used in Riddles in the Dark. Our total key count is now 2. We still only need to buy 2 keys, right?

Well... here's where things get a bit complicated. Let's go over what we know: -We currently have 5 more chests that need to be opened in the route. -There's a free key in A Warm Welcome, which means we only need 4 more keys. -We have 2 keys currently, which means we need to buy 2 more keys. -We currently have 80 coins. -With each key costing 80 coins, we need to pick up 80 more coins.

However, let's take into account something we haven't routed in yet: extra chests. For example, what if we were to open a chest that has 160 coins in it? Although we'd need to buy an extra key, this would actually reduce the number of other coins we need to collect (instead of collecting 80 coins on the ground elsewhere, we're actually grabbing 80 extra from this chest). And, luckily enough, there's a chest in a cave in Flies and Spiders with exactly 160 coins in it!

So, our key route now looks like this: -Buy 6 keys total (meaning we have to collect at least 480 coins in the game before A Warm Welcome) -Because we're picking up 160 from a single chest, however, this means we only have to pick up 360 coins elsewhere. This actually reduces the number of coins we're collecting overall.

So, here's our coin route for Flies and Spiders: -Use key on gold chest next to Corwin's ring to get 160 coins.

After Flies and Spiders, buy 3 more keys. Now just make sure to pick up the free key in A Warm Welcome, and you should be set!

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