8 years ago
Ohio, USA

So, we now officially have a total of 11 people who run this game. I'm glad to see our community grow. Don't forget, if you have submitted a run, we have a discord! Please join it if you are a speedrunner!

s0li, Awosomeandy, och Sgitch gillar detta
Seward, AK, USA

I saw it wasn't locked, and i took out my glock

United States

Hello big boil

Ohio, USA

Someone please lock this thread.

AmazinCris tycker om detta
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Pre-Release Build Update!

Introduction: For those who have observed the speedrun leaderboards a bit, you might have noticed that there have been runs for Pre-Release, so why is that? Well, you may have guessed already, but we have allowed this build to be used for runs ever since August (about 2 months ago). (sorry for

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