New Category????????
4 years ago
Arizona, USA

So I've been playing hitman for a while, and one thing that's incredibly fun, but is also a challenge, is trying to kill everyone on a level. I was wondering if maybe this could be a new category to speedrun?

Śląskie, Poland

Not very keen on that idea of killing everyone on the map in a stealth game - doesn't sound at all interesting or fast. But if you can figure out the exact numbers of NPCs on the map and others would be willing to try it - maybe I could add it as misc category.

Arizona, USA

Well the full idea is more like a mix between any% and silent assassin, basically, to kill everyone armed on a map without having the suspicious meter go above yellow (Be Sus, Not guilty, basically) unless impossible. So yeah. I'll do a run to kind of explain a little more, but that's the basic idea.


i actually like that idea


Suicide machine, it’s only a stealth game if you play it that way.

United States

There's not enough of a difference between the difficulties to warrant separate categories. The only two that matter are Rookie and Professional as those are the easiest and the hardest. Besides, the sniper% and the kill everyone% seem kinda nuanced to judge correctly. Especially for something that doesn't seem like it would be that popular, it wouldn't be worth making it official. They can just be for fun and non-competitive.

As for any categories that I personally would like to add, I actually don't think Rookie SA is that bad of an idea. I have personally run both Pro/SA and Rookie SA and there is significant enough difference. In addition, I have done runs called "All Firearms" which involve collecting all the weapons in the game needed to get the "All Firearms" Achievement. If more people would be interested in this category to run it, it could be worth adding.

SkullDozeeer, SuiMachine, och Ludwigo gillar detta

I do not think rookie SA is a good idea.

SA Pro is the hardest game mode and ANY Rookie is the easiest and therefor theoretically has the potential to be the fastest.

The balance is currently very, very good.

Śląskie, Poland

One thing that bothers me is once again a limitation of itself.

In other Hitman leaderboards, it was quite common for Any% and Easy runs with worse times than SA or Hard difficulty runs to be submitted and listed as WR, while in reality, it's SA runs that should be automatically listed in Any% category (or Any% Hard runs to be listed in Any% Easy) as WRs.

Basically, a category and sub-category dependency would be nice, where it would not be required to duplicate entries to prevent "lazy" runs that don't beat requirements from higher difficulties or more difficulty categories from being listed as WRs.


Man, you just forget do this a stealth-action game or something? Yes, i know this is fun, BUT this is dumb i think. by TwoBaller

Another stupid suggestion for a challenge (for suggestion's sake lol): "Best Purchases" extension to "All Weapons" category (values are in thousands of dollars, aka $k "units")!

ALL MISSIONS: 4750 + 245 + 1650 (+300+150) = required objective rewards + optional objective rewards (two suitcases, and "Flatline" bonus targets) + silent assassin (150 x 11 missions) multiplier (+ "Death of a Showman" optional award sum) = 6645 (+450)

minus REQUIRED PURCHASES (possible with above sum on a single NG playthrough): 7075 (-1350) + 1125 (-250) = 6400 = 8200 (-1600, almost all of this surplus requires a second playthrough/loop, thus ALL it isn't)

Items not purchased in this summation are (in order of Equipment, Silverballer, SP12, SMG, M4, W2000): Kevlar Vest, Flak Vest, Improved Lockpick; Low Velocity Ammo (for all guns), Silencer Type 1 (for all except SP12), Long Slide, Red Dot Sight; Flechette Ammo, Short Barrel; (any one) SMG Butt Stock, Silencer Type 1; Double Clip; Extra Ammo 1, Scope Type 1, and Double Capacity Clip...

Sorry for the necro; wasted a single afternoon whipping this up (for the fun of it I guess) so, just wanted to put it out there (so, uh, no need to take it seriously, or whatever) to satiate anyone who may have (had) similar curiosity (since you legends have satiated some of mine with completing various challenges like AZ for example) ;)

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