Anders' Signal Elephant bug
3 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

Running Anders' signal rn, and every time I get to the northwestern elephant it never comes under my control, it just stays yellow after I kill everything surrounding it.

Does anyone know what other trigger there is to unlock the elephant? I'm having spartans jack the choppers at the beginning and I'm getting over there extremely fast so I feel like that might be part of it.

Wisconsin, USA

I'm also using saves inbetween sections so maybe some trigger isn't carrying through the saves

Edit - I've now done runs with both the speed at which I get there and the saves are controlled variables, while still jacking the choppers and it still happened.

Redigerad av författaren 3 years ago
Wisconsin, USA

Seems to just be to do with speed in some way. I've gotten to the NW elephant pretty quickly using a chopper and I still got it, but most of the time it doesn't activate.

Redigerad av författaren 3 years ago
Ontario, Canada

Ya it's a softlock, if you see my IL WR, you see that I pause for a certain amount of time at the start of the mission.

Wisconsin, USA

Ahhh ok, I didn't even consider that being it. Thanks so much!

Ontario, Canada

It's due to triggering something (I forgot what exactly, there's a certain point that when you walk over it or trigger it) before the elephant get's "taken over" by the flood.

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