Vice City Any% Help
6 years ago

I am trying to do the any% speedrun.The only thing i cannot figure out is how to do the pizza boy dupe.What keys do i have to press,do i need to hold the side misson key and then start the replay with the m60 and then let go of the side mission key or is it done in a different way?

East Riding of Yorkshire, England

There's a number of ways, the way I always did any kind of dupe like that was following this video -

this is for a different dupe, but the principle is the same

fl1ppyXD tycker om detta

Thank you both very much,you have been a big help and one more thing. When i drive the helo to the m60 rampage what keys do i press to make that long replay to the property icon? I used F2,F3,F3 and then on the property icon i pressed F2.


Thank you very much again you have helped me so much.

Senaste nyheterna
Y-Sens Fix is now officially allowed in speedruns

VC Enthusiasts, good news!

The VC Mod Team has decided to allow users to access a y-sens fix for mouse issues. This can be used legally in speedruns from today onwards, with only one rule.

This script w

1 year ago