Suggestion: Merge motorcycle categories for Best Lap and Best Race
1 year ago

We only have 3 players for now, I think it would be more interesting to eliminate the motorcycle model from Level Runs.

Best Laps and Best Races of TEC, TeamGPX SSS500, VER500 are practically empty.

I don't know how much work this would take, but maybe I could help if it's not complex.

What do you think?

VyPr tycker om detta
São Paulo, Brazil

The whole idea behind dividing the IL LB for each motorcycle was to compare times among each one because during story mode u can upgrade them and each one has different status.

lcfreezer tycker om detta

I see, it's because there are so few people that there doesn't seem to be a demand to be that specific, and in Time Attack you can choose all the bikes easily for any track (although I can't say if there is a difference in the performance of the bikes in the story mode compared to Time Attack).

Thanks for answering.

United States

I agree with @Icfreezer , personally i think the game would be easier to run by having less categories and a variable to select our bikes, but not have those bike variables be separate categories.

lcfreezer tycker om detta
United States

Categories are now merged, and variables have been assigned to each run with their respective bike. Time to find the best bike for each track😎

lcfreezer tycker om detta
New York, USA

Hey, can Best Lap runs be done in Time Attack mode?

São Paulo, Brazil


RaGeNyC tycker om detta