I Completed A Blindfolded Run!
2 years ago
Missouri, USA

I did this awhile ago, and realized I never shared it with maybe the only people in the world who would find it interesting. Basically just memorized all 93 levels in Any%. I speedrun a lot, and when I played the game casually, I just realized that this might be possible. After that I on and off grinded it for about a year. All culminating in this run! Had a lot of cringe forgetfulness, but I never went back to beat the time. Would be interested to see if anyone ever tried this again. It was legitimately very fun, and probably not thaaaat hard.

Here is the youtube link:

LordParoah, Sioneus, och Snafful gillar detta

You did make history, man. Watched the whole thing, it was incredible. Hadn't thought about this game in so long but this was a really enjoyable surprise. Thank you for sharing!

LordParoah tycker om detta
Missouri, USA

Glad someone saw this and enjoyed it. Nothing novel to say but thanks for watching this.

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