Is Music allowed over Runs if streaming?
2 years ago


I just want to clarify if music is allowed to be played (low volume, non offensive lyrics) over speedruns of this?

I may learn the run but will be streaming, and the no music is the only offlut. Please let me know if this is allowed. Regards, Deadguy

S1oth tycker om detta
United States

I'm no mod, but I've got no issue with this. The more people that run the game the better

Thee_Deadguy och S1oth gillar detta
Texas, USA

I would think you would be able to play music during a run. Although I wouldn't play copyrighted music though cause if you upload a video it could be taken down.

Thee_Deadguy tycker om detta

Yeah i was thinking that, but i generally pkay Capcom / megan man music. Cant be fone for copyright as its in games anyways. Just makes the run less .. quiet for the stream lol

S1oth tycker om detta
Arizona, USA

I see no problem with music playing over the game play, just so long as we can hear the game sounds along with it for verification purposes. Just beware that if you submit a twitch clip, it will get muted by the copyright bots.

Redigerad av författaren 2 years ago
Thee_Deadguy tycker om detta