New Categories - Final Stage / Credits
3 years ago
She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
3 years ago

After i started running this game i found myself wanting a longer category that reaches the final stage of the game and not simply only the completion of easy mode.

First proposal (and my current favorite) would be a Final Stage run, where the goal is to reach and clear the final stage from a new game. This involves playing through the 7 easy stages while collecting the data collection points, then playing through the medium route, while collection data collection points in the first 7 stages of that route. You then will be able to unlock stages 8 and 9. By the end of 9, you need to be at least 100m to reach the Final Stage and clear it. Something like "Final Stage %" This is likely about an hour long run from my first testing of the route.

Second proposal would be a category that simply gets to the credits, which requires beating stage 9. This however is so similar to the above proposal, that i believe that is a better run. This would be something like "Credits %"

Third proposal would be a category that is 100% clear of the game, which would be beating every stage and getting all data collection points. Unsure how long this would take.

i have attached a video of me doing a preliminary Credits % run, in which i failed to reach 100m before the end of stage 9 (had not properly routed in the Fury building needed in the previous areas).

Should have console copies of the game arriving soon so i can play on hardware and do full routes of each of these.

OddEyesGardevoir och Goji210 gillar detta
New York, USA
She/Her, They/Them
3 years ago

I think it would be a cool idea. I've always thought about just having a true ending run. I may be confused but the idea you suggested here seems a bit different than that. I knew for the true ending you just need to grow big enough (no data points needed I think). Trying to get the data points and also reach the true ending would be pretty cool.

She/Her, They/Them, It/Its
3 years ago

For the True Ending% (what i was calling Final Stage %), which is stage 10 (Area 25), you need 50% of the data points to reach it, as you can not get past stage 7 without that many collected. 50% are required to reach stage 9 (Area 23). 100 meters is the requirement for stage 10, but you still need 50% of the data to get to 9 before you can reach 10, so both are required.

So basically you have two requirements to get to the Final Stage / True End:

  • Collect 50% of the data points in the game to be able to reach Stage 9 (Area 23)
  • Reach 100 meters to be able to reach Stage 10 (Area 25)

Though i imagine the rules to such a category would only mention Stage 10 as the data points are simply requirements to progress to that point. Rules would likely be something like:

  • Starting from a new game, reach and Beat Stage 10 (Area 25). A new game must be started to ensure you start with no Evolutions unlocked.
Redigerad av författaren 3 years ago

U need data at least half to progess after stage 7 then u get to do the other 2 then u need to be 100m or taller then u get to be at last lvl

also tmmr ima do another run and ima get world record and if i fail well shit restart and what rlly made my day is to see ppl still do this game im crazy about this game ima beat it
