2 Separate Arcade Categories
7 years ago
Ontario, Canada

I think there should be a second arcade category where you can not use Instakill attacks. I mean its fine in one category but the fact there is only one category and its just hoping to get an instakill off is kind of dumb.

AquaBlake tycker om detta

i just dont like how theres no rule for difficulty or time/rounds

California, USA
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
6 years ago


Apologies for not responding sooner; it's difficult to keep track of these forums. Someone DM'd the request for two categories to me last month, so those are up.

As for difficulty and time/rounds, I was letting other fighting game speedrun leaderboards lead the way on that one, and in theory, the best runs should be using less than 30 seconds per round anyway. And adding more rounds functionally just adds more time and RNG to the run. But I do understand the complaint; 1 round 30 seconds doesn't feel very much like a fighting game.

The main problems is that I can't make categories for every single combination (it'd be an absurd number of leaderboards), and each new subcategory multiplies the number of categories exponentially, which makes the leaderboards a mess to look through. But you /can/ use the filters to control which variables show up on the leaderboard without adding more clutter. So I was hoping that by having the ability to submit different timer/round runs that don't obsolete each other on the board, people would run what they want. So far in practice, everyone just runs 1 round 30 seconds.

If I were to separate the runs into three more subcategories (1 round 30 seconds, 2 rounds 99 seconds, misc.), would that be a fair solution?

AquaBlake tycker om detta

Yeah i think so i just want to run the game with default settings 2 rounds 99 seconds normal difficulty

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