Add Arcade as another Category
Hi mod, I think it would be great if you could add Arcade mode as another category.
The rules would be to start the timer after character select and end after the last hit on the final boss.
Also, if you could include PC in as another platform it would be greatly appreciated.
Redigerad av författaren
NickExtreme1 tycker om detta
I've added arcade mode as a new category with tentative rules being the following:
Must play on the chosen difficulty or higher (Only have beginner and nightmare currently as sub-categories atm) All fights must be the default best of 3 (i.e. first to 2 wins) Timing starts on difficulty selection and ends on clearing the final score tally screen after beating Beelzebub/Final Boss (makes timing more consistent)
Zekro tycker om detta
Senaste omgångarna
Nivå: Arcade Mode - Zeta
Nivå: Arcade Mode - Zeta
Nivå: Arcade Mode - Yuel