Need help as a newbie
6 years ago
Florida, USA

I've made numerous attempts, 3 in total so far, and trying to submit my best times on several of the Galaga tracks and have been unsuccessful every time. I provided 100% evidence and have no problem playing in front of a live moderator at any given time if they're local. All of my evidence has been genuine up to this point and 99% of my submissions have been world records, with plenty of room for adjustment for even faster times. I just don't know what else I need to do to submit my video recordings. I've submitted a video from way before the game starts up until after the game has been completed upon the game over message that comes up on the screen. I played every game on the exact default settings that I was supposed to, and yet every one of my submissions gets rejected. Can somebody please tell me exactly what I need to do step by step so I can get these submissions uploaded. After four attempts at submitting my achievements if I'm unsuccessful then it wasn't meant to be and it's time for me to move on to another site. I like but it does not make it user-friendly for the Newbie. Thanks!

New York, USA

The speedruns on this leaderboard follow a set of rules.

-Video is required, and must show slightly before the run starts to see you started time correctly, and show when time ends. -Advantages such as turbo and savestates are banned -Standard arcade settings must be used, and if playing on things like Namco Museum ports, those settings must be default.

Your first attempt at submitting has 2 issues.

Not using default arcade settings (notice the lives) Does not show right before the start of the run

Therefore, it was rejected You used this video for Challenge stages 2-8 and Extra Life 2 Categories.

8 Rejected runs so far

Your 2nd Attempt has 1 issue

Does not show right before the start of the run

It was rejected You used this for challenge stages 3-7

Bringing our current total to 13 runs rejected so far

Your 3rd attempt

This video works just fine

However, you used this for Challenge stages 1-8, when it doesnt complete 2-8

For challenge stage 1, it works, however for the rest, it does not meet the requirements which means reaching and beating said challenge stages.

Bringing our total to 20 Speedruns that were rejected.

I expressed what was incorrect with the videos through the rejected runs message.

The video requirements of showing right before your run starts, to where it ends and meeting the requirements are the basis for all speedruns that require a video to count as legitimate for any speedrun on any leaderboard.

Since video is required for this game to have a time on the leaderboards, regardless of how good or how bad the speedrun is, it will get rejected if it does not abide to the rules, no exceptions.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.

Redigerad av författaren 6 years ago
smkrogman tycker om detta
Florida, USA

Issue #1: I didn't realize it had to be played on default settings which basically means that extra men are awarded throughout the duration of the game. I liked the additional challenge of limiting myself to only 5 men to get through all 8 challenging stages so this is what I left it on. Besides, I already had Galaga set to 5-men only from previous games I've played in the past. I tend to steer away from playing on default or "marathon" settings whenever I fire up a game of Galaga on my PC because the games just last too long for me. Default it is.

Issue #2: I basically "cleaned up" this video by cropping some dead time before I actually hit the start button. Too much actually, to the point where when the video starts, it goes immediately into the game. I reread the rules and made the necessary adjustments for my 3rd attempt. The rejection count is as high as it is at this point because I simply used the same video for the rest of the submissions. Makes sense. One gets rejected, they all get rejected. No problem here.

Issue #3: A bit more embarrassing than the last 2 issues. I thought my 2nd video was "good to go" but because I had a crappy time for challenging stage #1, I decided to play again, just this one stage and resubmit a video with a better time. I just now realized that this was only a video for the "first" challenging stage, why the hell I submitted it for the remaining challenging stages is beyond me. A goofball move on my part. I guess as a newbie, it comes with the territory.

So now my 4th video which is forthcoming will be played on default settings (i. e. 3 men to start, one at 20k and every 70k thereafter with a difficulty of "D" or hardest), will show the game start up prior to me hitting start and will show me playing through all 8 challenging stages to completion, before killing off my remaining men and then entering my initials before concluding the video.

If there is anything wrong with this, please feel free to critique it so that I meet all requirements before submitting my times on this next go around.

Thanks for the response and please bare with me as I get used to not only using LiveSplit, but learning how to properly submit to

  • The Galaga King -
lozplyr89 tycker om detta
New York, USA

That works just fine, you aren't required to game over afterwords, but if you want to do that you can do so.

Otherwise, go at it.

No problem, thank you for asking before submitting continous runs.

Best of luck!

smkrogman tycker om detta
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