Short Circuit – Boss Refight Patterns
Short Circuit – Boss Refight Patterns
Uppdaterad 4 years ago av WinnerBit

(Note: this guide does NOT pertain to the Any% run. However, it is useful information for All Boss Refights, or any similar category which gets established.)

Upon re-entering the Short Circuit boss after defeating him once, the game draws from a series of pre-determined patterns for the boss to perform on the 5-note piano. Here are all 8 currently-known sequences. If you discover any additional sequences, please send an e-mail to

(Longer numbers are split into chunks for clarity.)

–––––1––––– 13 534 2342 1313 4 3212 454 3234 2123

5423 213 4543 2323 4532 1321 2345 3532

–––––2––––– 21 234 5323 4353 1 2324 234 3534 3453

1324 353 2435 4231 2131 2453 4235 4235

–––––3––––– 21 342 1353 4324 3 1354 231 3242 3543

2353 235 4235 4213 5431 3431 2345 3235

–––––4––––– 24 345 3121 2354 2 3213 532 4532 1353

4243 432 1323 1235 4213 4531 2432 3543

–––––5––––– 24 354 2431 3543 2 4324 343 1235 3243

4235 432 3214 5435 4342 3231 3542 3231

–––––6––––– 42 134 3542 1353 1 2454 234 3542 3213

1234 235 4235 4323 1234 5435 4235 4231

–––––7––––– 45 424 3131 2435 4 2135 345 4342 1353

1213 232 4532 1231 3131 2424 5432 1323

–––––8––––– 53 534 5343 5343 4 5343 424 5343 4243

2345 323 2345 3231 2345 3231 2354 3535

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