Latest runs list issue.
9 years ago

Hey, I just noticed that the latest runs list on the front page works on the basis of what the date is set to on the run submission rather than the time the submission was made/verified.


If I just submitted and verified a run today, which was completed yesterday and I set the date to the 15th June it will appear at the very bottom of the latest runs list.

surely. The list should populate from when runs are verified and listed rather than the date used within the submission form.

I can only assume it's done like this because there is no timestamp recorded when runs get verified and there is nothing else to hook to?


Its done by when submitted because of old runs that gets added to leaderboards wont flood the frontpage iirc.


Exactly, when a community which already have a leaderboard come here, if they plan to import every single time at once, it would absolutly flood the frontpage.


Then couldn't you set up some flood protection parameters. i.e.

if date submitted > 1 week old then use run date.

elseif date submitted < 1 week then use verification date.

that way you wouldn't get flooded by runs from external leaderboard imports.

p.s. Trollbear 100th follower get. lol :3


Maybe something like : if a game have 5 (or something else arbitrary) verified run in an hour, don't show them


Or. Just set a limit to amount of submissions you can post within 24 hours. i.e. 3 submissions per 24 hours.


Limit the number of submissions is not relevant. Because, they have the right to import their leaderboards here so we don't have to restrain the number of submissions


This is a debate that has been opened for a long time. The current system is, to me, good enough. Some of your suggestions can make sense, but admins will have to be very careful (Yes, just a reminder, I don't have the power to change anything :P) because, for instance, if you have just validated 4 submissions, they show on the front page, and then a fifth comes out and you validate it, then suddenly nothing is showing anymore and the lambda user will think it's a bug or something.

Also, I am really not sure that people want to see runs that are 3 months old popping out on the front page.

retired, Madzinah, och Trollbear666 gillar detta

True that so in that case...

If it aint broke don't fix it. :P


Well, I don't say that your ideas are wrong, I'm just thinking about edge cases that can happen :P Once again, everything is in the hands of the admins, so wait and see.


well I do think the logic of: if date submitted > 1 week old then use run date.

elseif date submitted < 1 week then use verification date.

would work best in all situations so hey ho lets see :)

Bavaria, Germany

First off, I can agree the current setup is not perfect. However, I'm not sure if it's problematic enough to warrant the change you suggest (which will make the logic more complicated, thus the page slower (to some extent)) or if it will even be a (noticeable) improvement.

[quote] if date submitted > 1 week old then use run date. elseif date submitted < 1 week then use verification date. [/quote]

I guess you mean the other way around (or I'm misinterpreting), as: If someone imports a leaderboard today, date submitted == date verified == today so this logic would not prevent flooding. if a run was submitted more than a week ago, it was also done more than a week ago. So using the run date would never get it on the front page.

Having said that, the front page is already limited to show a maximum of 3 runs per game at a time, so while flooding is not impossible, it's not incredibly likely either.

Anyway another problem with this is the arbitrary 1 week boundary: runs 6 days ago don't show up, but runs 7 days ago do? That kinda feels like it goes against the whole 'Latest runs' idea, although the problem might be less pronounced with a 1/2 day boundary, idk.

For the upcoming following update, the front page logic is already going to be changed, as it will prioritize showing runs in followed games. The reason I mention this is that hopefully it will kind of prevent this issue from being as noticeable by showing users the runs they want to see. What I want to say is, I can see what you're getting at but I'd suggest waiting until the following update, and if it turns out you still have concerns then, bring this up again :)

stoot, retired, och Trollbear666 gillar detta

sounds good to me.