Runs not showing up on leaderboard
3 years ago
United States

I verified 2 runs a couple of hours ago and they've yet to appear on the leaderboard, as well as a couple runs from WEEKS ago still not appearing.

I've checked every setting, every filter, tried rejecting and re-verifying runs, opened the page in an incognito browser, opened the page in another browser (FF to Chrome), checked on my phone browser, double checked each run to make sure I verified instead of rejected, changed the leaderboard to allow emulators (even tho they weren't submitted as emulator, and its a PC only game). The only thing I've not tried is resubmitting the runs, which given this issue persists w/ the runs I've recently verified, doesn't seem like it'd help.


does the categories have variables? if they do you should make sure the runs that dont show up have these variables set to something

United States

Yep, all the variables are filled out on all the runs. Checked those initially, and just double checked them again. The only consistently empty field in the missing runs are the splits i/o links, which are also missing in runs that do show up on the board so I can't imagine that's relevant.

Do you have a particular variable set as default? That's the usual cause for this sort of thing.

United States

I don't quite know what you're asking there, @hahhah42. Every variable is required to have a default.

[quote]Every variable is required to have a default.[/quote] No, they aren't. It's only necessary to do that if you wish to use the variable to create a sub-category, which doesn't seem to apply in either game you moderate. Unless you intend to separate the MCSDX runs by difficulty, in which case start using the variable as a sub-category.

United States

That fixed the issue.

I assumed variables were required bc I did intend to separate categories by difficulty at one point, and trying to remove the default resulted in a pop up saying that they needed defaults. That's frustrating. Thanks for the help.

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