Plasma Sword without moderators
1 year ago

five months ago,i submit a run of star gladiator 2 (plasma sword) but there´s no moderator available.there´s some possibility to give solution of this?

thanks in advance


Run or runs pending 5 months ago is more reasonable to do this action:

Spanish: Más (More), ve a Más, click thru it, go to Support Hub, then go to Request Type... you must select Games & Series request, then an additional info is there called Category, you must select Report Inactive Moderator & Request To Be Moderator, then scroll down the request, giving the info of the game Plasma Sword: Nightmare of Bilstein in the "Game You Are Requesting Support For". (The year of the game is wrong.... put in 2021, which is not, the real year is 1998, for Arcade and the rest of other ports). You can add the pending run along with the link in your request, too.

And ending the request, you can mention/write in the "Support Request" the info for your run been pending for 5 months ago, possibly other runs pending, and you will be granted as Moderator of the Leaderboard. That is the solution you can handle immediately, so soon enough you will get nice news about it. Good luck with that.

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