7 years ago
Illinois, USA

I was just watching a speerun of FFT by eLmaGus on RPGLM2017, and I thought I'd make a comment based on a comment from the couch--in case it might be helpful.

If an effect has a success percentage of succeeding of 74%, then casting it twice doesn't give you a 148% chance of getting the effect--thus guaranteeing that you would get it. The chance is 93%--i.e. there is still a chance, albeit small, of not getting the effect after 2 casts. I believe this was noted in the context of the Quick ability.

0.74 + (1-0.74)*0.74

This probability is recursive for subsequent casts.

I hope this helps,

Ron Gorzon

United States

i'm not sure which you are talking about but all quicks are calculated to be 100% or close to being 100% chances. The quick math is (140+11).74.70 which is a 78% chance as neutral but with best comp (50% chance modifer) makes about a 117% chance which is 100% chance

Seattle, WA, USA

I think some attacks are counted separate. I've had an over 80% chance of hitting with my Ninja. Both attacks missed. Concentration is hardly used from what I've seen. Though it increases it to 100 percent and gets around mantles.

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