Request for category reorganization
2 years ago

Three months ago I asked you to create a new category, but there has been no action. If you grant me moderator privileges, I will try to organize the categories.

I would like to share the categories I currently have in mind.

  1. Beat Excite (B-Rank / S-rank)
  2. Beat Super Excite (B-Rank / S-rank)
  3. Beat Mirror (B-Rank / S-rank)
  4. All Course [Super Excite / Mirror] (B-Rank / S-rank)
  5. Beat Challenge [Normal / Hard / All] (B-Rank / S-rank)
  6. All Tutorial
  7. All Games(B-Rank / S-rank)

If you agree with the above categories, please LIKE. If you have any questions about the category rules, etc., please write I will answer.

On a different note, if we created an "Excite Truck" and "Excitebots" Discord server, would you join?

Akuretaki och Gamebuster1990 gillar detta

No response from the moderator and I can't send a message, so I will try to apply directly to the SRC.

Redigerad av författaren 2 years ago
Czech Republic

@kagetaro we already have an excite discord:

I do think a change in moderation is needed if these issues aren't resolved soon. There are runs on the board with incorrect times, and some that don't even qualify for the category they were submitted in.

For example: is not completed in super excite has incorrect time due to crashes

There has also been no response to the timer bug:

Additionally, individual level runs can't even add their time correctly because we can't submit time in milliseconds. I brought this up a month ago:

All of the IL runs on the board need to be fixed because of these issues. I'm willing to do this. This game has the same issues with the in game timer as Excitebots, which I am a moderator of.

Edit: I've contacted @OddPandemonium on discord about the issues we're having and am waiting for a response.

Redigerad av författaren 2 years ago
kagetar0 tycker om detta
Senaste nyheterna
New moderation team, leaderboard structure changes.

Hello everyone!

You may have noticed over the past few months, that there has been a change in moderation, and that the leaderboard was restructured significantly. I've neglected to officially inform followers of this game on SRC of all the changes that occurred, so this post aims to correct that.

1 year ago
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