Postad 4 months ago av

I made a video guide for Etherlords 2 - check it out in the Guides section. It should answer the most if not every question about both categories.

If there's still questions - contact me in DM or join our streams, and we will gladly explain anything.

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Postad 10 months ago av

We have a cool page design now. Yay.

Props to the who did that completely for free

And i did the logo

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Postad 1 year ago av

UPD 25.02: Autosplitter was approved and added to the LiveSplit database

To use autosplitter you need to go to Edit Splits and press Activate

If you don't want to set up splits like i do - you're free to do so, just untick the Split in the splitter settings. You'll still get autostart and IGT features

If you want to - you need 4 splits for any campaign run, 13 for any%, and 26 for all campaigns.

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Postad 1 year ago av

Made savefiles at the start of each campaign that are not accessible from the start, you can find them in the 'Resources' section.

Сохранил отдельно сейвы со стартов каждой кампании, так что если кому-то они пригодятся - буду рад. Лежат в секции "Ресурсы". Впрочем, уже имеющимся раннерам они будут не так полезны, раз уж вы за час кампанию пробегаете :)

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Postad 1 year ago av

20 years since first playing this game, i learned that patches 1.1 through 1.3 significantly change game balance in many different ways. Some spells / archetypes are useless there, some are way better. I'm sure theres ways to set a good time on any patch, abusing some unnerfed / buffed spells, so i wont forbid playng on any patch.


1.3 is just STABLE. No more random crashes after finishing a battle or a mission, so if you're not a masochist, you'd want to play 1.3 (and, well, its the only version you'd find online unless you have an original retail copy from 2003, like i do)

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I made a video guide for Etherlords 2 - check it out in the Guides section. It should answer the most if not every question about both categories.

If there's still questions - contact me in DM or join our streams, and we will gladly explain anything.

4 months ago
10 months ago
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